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Hey guys Sarah will find out who She is later...

Well it turns out I was late for class ,so I got detention.Yay!!. What a great way to start the first day of school.

I sat in the third desk right at the back.

"I don't think you want to sit there" a girl with Brown hair speaks up

"Why is that" I ask rather cocky

"That's Rachael Mackena's seat" she whispers. She looks frightened just by saying her name

"And?" I know who Rachael is but I'm not afraid of her,because all she is to me is my fathers soon to be wife's slutty child

"Her dad is the president, she'll do anything to get rid of you if you're a problem" dad? She's not even close to my fathers bloodline and she's telling people he is her dad...her mom's not even married to him yet.

"Bitch please nobody at this school will scare me"

"I'm just warning you"

"Well I don't need a warning" I mumble as I sit down

She still starred at me but as soon as I glared at her I think she got the message.
As soon as Rachael walked in the classroom with her minions one of them including her dum sister the whole starred at me. It's like they were waiting for something to happen.

She walked in the classroom with a sickening smile. Half an hour late for class and no detention slip. Fucken ads off a teacher.

"Move bitch" what a great first impression she made

I just ignored her

"I said you in my seat so move"

I looked everywhere on the desk then answered her

"Really,I don't see a name or receipt but what I do see is a slut standing in front of me , is that maybe you?" Two can play that game

"Bitch you might be new at this school but i will make your life a living hell."

I just watched because lets face it I don't give a fuck. She finally figured out what I was doing so she spoke again.

"And you're not allowed to wear sunglasses in class"

"Really, thanks for telling me now let's look in the bag of I DONT CARE ,oh and my name is first"I answer sarcastically

She just left the class and again the teacher didn't say anything .


Math was short, then I got science and became close to Sarah ...yes I know even I'm surprised, and yet here I am sitting with her at lunch and guess what. She has no other friends!!

Hey guys

Second book .. I'm really proud of it actually please tell me what you thinking


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