Chapter 18

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The main screen on top of the stadium eliminated Anya's picture and Pokémon allowing Ash's to take it up with the words 'winner' and 'congratulations' under it. The crowd was cheering wildly and going nuts over Ash's victory. "He did it; he did it" Morrison cheered "He won."

"We did it" Ash cheered "Latios you were amazing out there. You perfected Draco Meteor and won us the match." Latios cooed his thanks to Ash "I bet you're tired. Take a long rest Latios." Ash returned Latios to his Pokeball.

Anya smiled and returned her Salamence "I'm very proud of the way you battled Salamence." She walked over to Ash, "Hey Ash" she said getting his attention. "That was an awesome battle. You won the match fair and square."

"Thanks Anya" Ash said and they shook hands with each other.

"You better keep on winning because next time we meet I'll beat you" Anya said with a smirk before turning and leaving the stadium. After waving to the crowd one more time Ash left the stadium as well and was immediately assaulted by his friends who all congratulated him at once.

"Alright Ash you're the champion" Max said excitedly.

"I know it feels awesome" Ash agreed.

"Well I bet it does" Tyson said. "To be able to stand up on that stadium and win like that was amazing. I can't believe you actually managed to teach your Latios Draco Meteor."

"That one was tough" Ash consented. "Right now I'm working on teaching Latias how to use it as well."

"Yikes if the one from Latios was that powerful then imagine if it was both of them" Tyson said shuddering slightly.

"Hey Ash" Morrison said "Just because you beat me and won this time doesn't mean you'll beat me next time because I plan on training harder and getting stronger."

"Then that makes two of us Morrison" Ash said. Then Ash held his hand out, "Let's make a promise Morrison... that the next time we meet we'll battle to see who's the strongest."

Morrison grasped Ash's hand "It's a deal" he said as they smirked at each other. Hours past and now it was close to night and the sun was setting. The main stadium in the Ever Grande battle area was filled to the maximum capacity with the top 32 trainers in the stadium in the bottom. Ash, Anya and the Third place winner, Austin; Ash's semifinal round opponent were up on stage standing off to the side. Mr. Goodshow, Steven and the Hoenn Elite Four were standing up on stage as well.

"And so ends another Hoenn League tournament" Mr. Goodshow announced to the trainers. "Countless trainers came here for a chance to get to where you all are now, but only 32 of you could qualify for the Victory Round. Let's give a hand to the Top 32 trainers." The crowd immediately busted into loud cheers and the trainers on the ground smiled widely and waved towards the crowds. Once the crowd quieted down Mr. Goodshow spoke again "But the three trainers up here are the ones who have proved themselves the most. Let's give a hand to the Top 3 Trainers of the Hoenn League."

Everyone clapped and cheered loudly for the three trainers as they waved at the crowd grinning widely. All across the stadium there was not one person who wasn't clapping for the three trainers as they all stood proud and tall.

"Now it's time to present them with their awards" Mr. Goodshow said. One by one Austin, Anya and Ash were called up to the front of the stage and each one of them were presented with their trophies; Austin with a bronze trophy; Anya with a silver trophy; and Ash with a gold trophy. After that each one of them got to shake hands with Steven and the Elite Four on a job well done. Finally the three of them turned to the crowds and raised their trophies high into the air amidst the cheering fans.

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