Chapter 29

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Ash was staring at the open space remembering the battles as Iris and Cilan have left in the train, both eager to explore more the regions to accomplish their dreams.

"My dream is to catch meet more dragon Pokémon, and become a Dragon Master..It was fun traveling with you Ash and Pakura." Iris said with a sad smile

"Me too." Ash said with a smile as Pakura nodded said as the train sound was heard

"I will never forget our journey with our Pokémon...Kanto Champion Ash." Cilan said with tears

"Take care you guys." Pakura said as the door closed as Ash and Pakura waved as they waved back

"ASHY?!!" Pakura asked worried as Ash chuckled and turned around, hugging her to comfort her and show it's fine.

"It's fine, just thinking about the past of the first League I took, it's been a long way to get here. Now, I gotta look for my Elite Four" He said, smiling as Pakura nodded her head in agreement.

"BTW, how is this going to be? Each Elite needs a different Type specialty, so which ones are you going to pick?" Pakura asked

"Mr. Goodshow told me that the only available types are Electric, Normal, Flying, Grass and Rock. And three of them need to be born in Kanto. I wished you were one of them, but since you're a multi specialist it won't do. And I also need a trained Champion, which will have to take my place, and my specialty according with Mr. Goodshow is the Legendary Type, and the only one I know that has Legendaries besides me is Tobias" Ash answered just as Tobias was passing by and smirked as he heard his name.

"So that means that he would be your trained Champion?" She asked once more

"Indeed, I can feel he's just like me, very strong bonds with each of his Pokémon and they trust him, I'm not surprised he would get any stronger and be a champion with ease. Well, let's go home, after that we'll go to Kalos and start our search" He replied as got up, grabbing Pakura's hand to help her up as well, and just as they were about to leave, the Legendary Trainer stood in front of them with a smile on his face.

"Hey there, Kanto Champion Ash, I'm very impressed of how far you've gone" Tobias said as Ash went to shake hands with the pale blonde haired boy with a smile of his own.

"Tobias, I never expected you to be here in Kanto, what are you doing here?" Ash asked, curiosity taking him slowly as Tobias just shrugged.

"Traveling, see if I can have some challenges and train my Pokémon. Oh, I also heard your little conversation by accident, so you're considering me to be your trained Champion?" He asked, surprising Ash with his question, but the raven haired boy already had made his decision about it.

"Yeah, that if you accept" He replied, making Tobias think for a second before he nodded.

"Sure. But now, are you ready for Round 2 Ash? A 3 vs 3 battle, to see how strong you are now" Tobias replied as Ash smirked. There was a Pokémon Center nearby and it had a battlefield too, as a little crowd was starting to form, everybody awestruck to see the Legendary Trainer battle against the Master Of Legendaries.

'So, he has more Legendary Pokémon. This will be one hard battle indeed, but I will win this!' thought Tobias as he threw his Pokéball in the air. "Darkrai I require your assistance!" He shouted as the Nightmare Pokémon stood in front of everyone, growling at Ash, showing that he was up to a fight. Ash just smirked as Pakura smiled at her boyfriend's determination.

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