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Jacks POV
There are no words to explain how bad I feel right now. I hurt the one girl I care about the most. I left Johnson's house and Bella early the next morning.

I tried calling and texting Carson 20 times but she won't answer. I checked my house and hers. Nothing.

I went back home to change and shower. "Where's Carson?" Laura asked as I walked in. I shrugged.

"Did you guys break up yet?" Molly carelessly asked. That bitch.

"I don't know Molly!" I yelled. She gave me a trivial look.

"How do you not know if you and you're own girlfriend broke up dude. Oh wait, just like you didn't know taking advantage of your drunk girlfriend counts as rape."

That's it. I walked up to her making a fist. "Jack!" Laura yelped as she stood up holding me back.

"Molly what the hell is wrong with you! All three of us swore we never talked about us again after the charges got dropped. Ever since Carson entered his life that is all you cared about. Jack made a mistake so just let it go!" Laura warned.

Molly mumbled something under her breath and went upstairs.

Carson I need you.

Carson's POV
I need Jack. I need his soft angelic voice singing me to sleep. I need his humor. I need him.

I left Sam early the next morning. I went to Nicki's house.

"Wait so he cheated on you with his ex so you cheated on him with his best friend. Yikes," she summarized after I told her everything.

"Well Nicki don't just sit there looking like a dork. We are going to see Jack and make him miss me. Straighten my hair and give me something hot to go wear," I bossed. She quickly sat up and got out her straightener.

"So why do you want to see him don't you hate him. I mean if a guy cheated on me the last thing I would want is to see him," she spoke as
she began to do my hair.

"Oh wait I didn't remember asking for your opinion. Plus I don't want him back. I want him to want me back."

When she was finished, she gave me a blue crop top that hugged my chest and skin tight black leggings.

We drove to his place, me, eager to see his reaction.

I walked up to his door and rang the bell.

"Ugh it's you. Jack your ex is here!" Molly groaned.
Jack came downstairs looking hotter than ever.

Jacks POV
"Jack your ex is here!" I heard Molly shout. I lousily walked down stairs expecting see Bella. Instead I saw  Carson, looking hotter than ever.

"Make her go away please" Molly murmured as I walked passed her.

"Carson I-I I'm really sorry about Bella I was just so caught up in my emotions and-"

"Jack you want sex I'll give you the best of. All you had to do was ask," she interrupted. She jumped on my waist and pushed me inside.

I took us to my dads office. I scraped off everything that was on the desk.

"Carson you don't know how long I have waited  for this," I whispered in her ear as I began to undress.

All of a sudden she started to cry. Like full on sob.

"I-I I'm sorry I-I slept with S-Sam and I just w-want you to hold m-me and not Bella I J-just want you J-Jack," she cried. I pulled her into a tight embrace.

"Look at me Carson. I will hold you and never let go until I drown in the middle of the fucking Atlantic Ocean after the ship that we were on sunk. I will never let go," I joked. She laughed.

Carson's POV
I couldn't have sex with Jack. Ever since I did it with Sam, things have been fuzzy for me.

So, I just did the crying act to get his mind off of it. Then he said some really cheesy pun about the titanic.

"Jack?" I spoke. "Yea babe," he answered.

"Don't ever do that to me again or I swear I will fuck you up," I said through gritted teeth. He chuckled and pulled me closer.

Jack and I decided to watch Clueless with Molly because that movie shaped me to the fabulous bitch I am today, along with Mean Girls.

Jack was actually laughing the whole movie. I love his laugh.

"Ugh why are you still here," Molly said as she came downstairs. I had enough of that bitch.

"What the actual fuck is your problem with me!" I yelled at her as I got up.

"Excuse me but this is my house and you can't just yell at me you slut. Don't you have aids to catch from someone," she rolled her eyes.

"No wonder why Jack things you're a total bitch," I muttered under my breath.

Jack and Laura were now in the kitchen with us. "What the fuck did you just say?" She asked as she grabbed my hair.

I slapped her hand away from me. "I said no wonder why Jack thinks you're a total bitch!" I shouted loud enough this time.

"Carson! Chill," Jack warned. Molly walked up to me and shoved me into Jack.

Jack grabbed my waist when I impacted in him. "Carson don't do it it's not worth it!" He told me. But I didn't listen.

I squirmed out of his grip and slapped Molly. There was a hand print on her face.

She pushed me down to the ground and started scratching me. I'm going to murder Molly right now.

Jacks POV
"Carson don't do it it's not worth it!" I told her. But she got out of my grip and slapped my sister.

Next thing I know they are on the ground hitting, and scratching each other. 

"Dammit Jack don't just stand there stop them!" Laura yelled at me. I prowled Molly off of Carson. I grabbed her while Laura grabbed Carson.

Molly was kicking and trying to get out of my grip. "Let me go Jack!" She yelled. I carried her into the kitchen.

"What the hell is wrong with you! I don't if I should put you in a mental institution or whatever!" I shouted at her as I put her down
"Fuck it! Tomorrow I tell her. Merry Christmas asshole," she stated as she went to the bathroom I guess to suppress her wounds.

Oh shit. Christmas is tomorrow. I'm beyond screwed.

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