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Jacks POV
After the whole mess at Ashley's, I had to go home and get ready for dinner at Melanie's.

"Why are you so dressed up?" Laura asked, as I came out of my room.

"Mel wants me to come over for dinner to meet her family."

"Are you guys a couple or...?" She trailed off. Her attention went straight to Molly.

She was wearing one of Carsons tank tops. I remember her wearing that the day we had our make out session in the middle of the hallway. It made her boobs look really good.

"Why are you wearing her shirt?" I bluntly asked.
"Oh this? I thought this was Laura's," she lied. She always smirked when she lied.

"Take it off Molly," I warned.

"Jack she's gone now. Some of her things are still here, and we are the same size in pretty much everything so I thought I'd steal some."

I rolled my eyes and walked downstairs.

"Where are you off to?" My mom asked as she looked up from the dishes.

"Melanie's house." I stated as I got my keys.

"Jack honey, I just wanted to say I'm so proud of you. You are making the right decision by being there for her. Melanie is a very sweet girl, and I can't wait for you to start your own little family."

She dried her hands and went to go get something from my dads office.

"Here." She handed me a little jewelry box. I opened it and found a diamond ring.

I looked at my mom like she was crazy.

"You want me to propose?!"

"It's the responsible thing to do."

"Mom we're 17! I'm not ready!"

"But you were ready to have sex with her. Now hurry, don't be late. It's a bad first impression," she said fixing my collar.

I put the box in my pants pocket, and went to my car.

I turned on the radio, and the song what do you mean came on. It reminded me of the car ride to Carson's house, the day we became lab partners.

"Wanna argue all day making love all night"

"So you sing too?" She asked as she glanced over at me.

"Hey, I'm a hard core Belieber. Don't judge me," I joked. She giggled.

"All I really wanna know: What do you mean?" She sang with me.

She began to tap her steering wheel along to the beat.

I noticed a little ring on her finger.

"Where'd you get that?" I asked pointing towards it.

"Oh, that was my moms wedding ring. I wear it to remember my dad. He moved on with another woman a long time ago"

I'm shocked that she told me this.

"It's pretty right? Can't wait to get one of my own," she said beaming.

Before I knew it, I was outside Melanie's house.

I rang the door bell, and almost immediately it swung open.

"Babe! You're three minutes late! Come on," Melanie whined as she kissed my cheek.

She then pulled me inside.

"Mamma, Poppa, this is Jack," she smiled as she dragged me into her dining room.

"Oh my god he's so cute!" Her mom exclaimed as she squeezed my cheeks.

"Mamma please!" She then said something to her mom in Spanish.

"Jack I made all your favorite foods. I hope you're really hungry!" She pulled out a chair for me.

Ok this is really weird.

"Um thank you." I don't know what to say.

"So Jack, how'd you meet my daughter?" Her father asked.

"Um at the mall with a couple of friends," I stated.

"It was love at first sight papa. We just instantly connected, right Jack?" What? She was mainly just a rebound for Carson.

"Uh yea." I lied.

"So have you start making plans for the baby? Are you still going to go to college?"Her dad questioned.

I never thought about it like that. I always wanted to go to University of Nebraska. All my friends and I plan to go and play basketball.

"Well I'm not sure I-"

"Jack and I actually want to start thinking about marriage. We love each other very much, and want to start a family," She interrupted me, as she held my hand.

"Melanie can I talk to you for a second please."

She excused us, and took me to her room.

"Ok what the hell is going on?"

"What do you mean baby?" She asked as she put her hand on my cheek.

"Melanie stop! We are not a couple! And who says I wanted to marry you?"

"Your mom silly. And she told me you were going to be a little stubborn about admitting your feelings for me. I find it so cute!"

My mom? What the hell?

"Well she's wrong. We had sex one time, and it was a mistake. I'll be here for our baby and that's about it. I don't have any feelings for you."

"Jack, I know you're scared to admit it because I'm not as popular as you. I understand. I just want you to know that you shouldn't care what people think."

"Melanie, Jack come back! You're food is getting cold!" Her mother shouted.

"Come on cutie," she sighed as she dragged me back downstairs.

During dinner, I learned a lot about Melanie and her family. They immigrated from Cuba, and are super religious. I'm surprised they are ok with her pregnancy.

Melanie's relationship with her parents is so surreal. I've never seen a teenager love their parents that much.

I don't know why, but my opinion on Melanie changed. She's a very sweet girl. I hope my kid is just like her.

After dinner, Melanie wanted me to go get ice cream with her.

"So, do you want the baby to be a boy or girl?" She asked as we were eating for our cones.

"Without a doubt a girl."

"Really? I want a boy. My dad wants one too so he can make him watch giants games."

"Woah, my kid is not going to be raised a Giants fan. It's going to come out of you screaming Tom Brady's name."

"Don't let my dad here you. He's been plotting a way to kidnap Brady and chop of his throwing arm."

We both laughed.

After we got our ice cream, I went to drop her off at home.

"I had a lot of fun tonight. Thanks for having me," I told her as we pulled up in her driveway.

Surprisingly, she kissed me. And I kissed back.

The kiss began to get heated, until my phone rang. I checked who it was, and it was Carson. I declined the call, and continued to make out with Melanie.

I can't believe I'm actually doing this with her. Should I listen to my mom and marry her?

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