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Welcome to Keaton School Of The Arts; the most elite fine arts high school in all of Canada. People from all over the county showcase their talents and audition to get in. Music, dance, visual arts, dj, film, drama... if it's an art form? Odds are its one of the disciplines here.

Now, your probably thinking – this is just an arts school. Why should I be interested?

Well, the answer to that is simple.

Well known and loved student, Scarlett Dunn, has been found missing after getting in a fight with her sister and storming off. Nobody knows what happened to her, some even think she's dead.
But that's not even the half of it.

Thirteen of the students who got excepted into Keaton are about to realize, they're more gifted then they believe.

You could even argue that they're... cursed. Cursed with a gift besides their extraordinary talent.

All of these kids are a supernatural in some way, shape or form... they just don't know it.


In fact, they weren't even born with it! For an electrical mishap on a full moon is what sets this curse upon them..

A curse that could potentially help find Scarlett.

Bianca Blackwell; a banshee. Surrounded by death, letting out a piercing scream to alert people when death is near. When controlled properly, the pitch of the scream can be enough to break a human skull.

Miles Lennox; a werewolf. Shifting into his full form only in the light of a full moon.

Vanessa Morita; a kitsune. A fox spirit deep inside her, battling for control of her body.

Kit Dunn; a witch. All the powers of the world, right at her finger tips and ready to cast when she gives the word.

Sasha Roy; a shape shifter. Able to take the physical form of anything... or anyone.

Alya Kendrick; a werecoyote. Able to shift into part (or full) coyote form at will or when provoked. First instinct when attached? Murder.

Austin Taylor; a wizard. Just like Kit, magic is at his fingertips. Only, he is able to use it to manipulate and control.

Julie Maslany; a fae. Able to predict the future, and when trained enough, read minds.

Cassandra; a sphinx. Part human, part lion. Appears human on the outside, but musters the strength and intellect of a lioness and can shift at any given moment.

Carly Catto; a mermaid. At best when in water, and able to control the element whenever she wants to.

Jackson Gardner; a vampire. Survives on the sweet taste of blood, able to shift into a vicious form at any given moment.

Denzel Stone; a werejaguar. Basically the same thing as a werewolf, only in jaguar form.

Sloane; a kanima. Part human, part lizard. When shifted into her scaly form, she possesses all the qualities of a lizard. Including venom.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2016 ⏰

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