Stay With Me?

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It's been 3 months since I've seen Harry in person. Him and the boys have been touring and it's starting to take it's toll on me. I've gotten these thoughts that he's found another girl that's better than me. Of course, I don't have any solid proof, but he's becoming more distant with every day.

I know it sounds crazy since we've been together for over a year and a half but the thought still seems to find it's way into my mind. I've begun to cut myself, it's gotten that bad. The razor hurts my skin but in a way it feels good. I can't really explain it. The marks are all over my arms and there are a couple on my thighs.

Todays Friday, my last day of work for the week. After stopping by a couple of friends and making my way out of the lobby, I go outside to catch a taxi. The famous London weather hits me as soon as I take a step onto the sidewalk. Quickly, I make me way over to the edge and somehow manage to flag one down before 3 other people. It takes only 15 minutes before the cab comes to a hault in front of my flat building. Paying the driver, I collect my things and quickly run to the glass doors of the building.

It takes another couple of minutes just to get to the top floor, where our, or at least mine for right now, flat is. I search around the trash bag I call my purse for the small silver key that will lead me straight into my bedroom. I finally find it in one of the side pockets and unlock the door.

Once I step inside, I instantly see the opposing wall, which is comepletely made of glass. My purse drops to the small coffee table next to me and I start to take off my incredibly painful heels. Just as I walk over to the large window, I see a small object run straight behind me.

"Darcy, come here! It's just me."

I swing my body around and begin to walk over to the couch, knowing that I will find a ball-of-fur cat staring at me from the cushion. Sure enough, Darcy is seated right in her usual spot, licking her paws.

"You little sneaker!"

Sitting down on the seat next to her, I start petting her grey fur. 

"You know, I bet Daddy misses you."

As I say it, the words sink into my thoughts, clouding everything else. Does he miss me? I probably seem like an overly attached idiot for thinking about him this much, but aren't you supposed to do that with the person you love? The funny thing is, I think I've fallen in love with someone that won't  ever feel the same.

Hey, I just wanted to say thank you for reading. It means a lot to me, even if it's nothing for you. I hope you like this one *hint* it will be pretty sad so be prepared to get out the tissues. Jk, anyway, make sure to vote and follow!! oh, and the next part will be longer, I promise!

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