The Boy Above

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*(S)he's an angel*


            I hit the home button on my phone, instantly upset by the blank screen. It was 8 p.m. on a Friday night and I had no plans for the night. Not that this was new for me; every Friday night since the start of the semester had gone this way. If my roommate hadn't found a new movie to watch and the rest of my friends were out, I was left alone in the room with a half-eaten box of Cheez-'Its and my parents' Netflix account. I looked around the small room and sighed. Another night for the books. Hitting play on the screen, I sank back into my chair and prepared for anther epoxide of a cliché bridal reality show.


My eyes glance up to the ceiling, where I suspect the noise came from. Weird knocks and bumps were common in the dorm, and I didn't think much of it. I nonchalantly increase the volume on my computer and focus my attention back onto the screen.

*thump thump*

I let out a small sigh and pushed the volume button a few more times, beginning to feel annoyed by whoever keeps dropping things onto the floor above me. It wasn't common for many people to be in the dorm on a Friday night anyway; why did this person have to be the only other one who stayed home?

*thump thump thump*

"Oh my god. Seriously?" I huff, ripping my earbuds out. I wasn't one to get emotional quickly, but this was just so annoying. I close my laptop and stand up. Whoever keeps making these noises is not going to ruin my- mediocre at best- night. I leave my room and make my way to the elevator, already planning on what I'm going to say. I was never one for conflict, and usually got so flustered in situations that I would always end up taking the blame, regardless if it was mine to take or not. As the elevator rises to the next floor, I take a few deep breaths and try to remain level-headed.


The metal doors slide open and I peer out into the hallway before taking a cautious step. This floor is a bit less quiet than my own, with muffled music and conversations coming from multiple rooms around the hall. I take a few seconds to situate myself and figure out which room would be the one directly on top of mine. I walk around until I find it, running into two confused-looking boys on the way. They probably hadn't expected to see a single girl walking around a boys' floor at 8pm. Well neither would I.

As I near the door, I remind myself that I'm going to have to be as stern as possible. This wasn't something that I was comfortable doing in the first place but I couldn't imagine having to face anyone multiple times about the same issue. I knock on the wooden door, subconsciously shoving my free hand into the pocket of my sweatpants. There are a few moments of awkward silence before the door handle clicks and creaks open.

"Hi, I'm-"

I look up at the individual who had opened the door and instantly feel my knees weaken. The boy was looking at me with the most beautiful green eyes. Eyes that I had only seen in Disney movies, really. His hair swept across his forehead in a way that perfectly framed his face. It was longer than what most boys would choose to wear, but It suited him. His cheeks were flushed and rosy; he had probably just come from the gym or something. There was a look of annoyance on his face, which quickly snapped me out of my daze.

"Hi, I'm in the room right below you and I kept hearing noises coming form up here." I manage to stutter out the words.

"Yeah, and?" The boy's voice was low, but still smooth. And was that a tinge of an accent?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2018 ⏰

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