Chapter 4

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Casse's POV

I screamed as Harry swung at Jack, he immediately froze, fist mid air he got up and turned to look at me. The sight was horrifying, there was blood all over his white shirt and his hands, his face was soft but there was anger and sadness behind his green eyes.

For some reason I felt sorry for the kid, but my focus was Jack. I ran over to his side. He looked horrible.

"Jack?" I lightly touched his face, "I'm sorry, I-"

"Sorry! You shouldn't be sorry look what he did to you!" Harry yelled interrupting me, his fists clenched he took a step towards the two of us. I stood up in front of him and put my hands on his chest, relaxing him slightly.

"You've done enough, let's go," I said, softly pushing him to the door. I felt bad leaving Jack here like this but in some way I feel like what Harry did was.... nice? I don't know how to feel right now but if we stayed here any longer Harry might kill Jack.

Luke was waiting by the front door as I followed Harry up to the cars, he got in my car and Luke stood outside his car door, "Thanks for all the help in there." 

I rolled my eyes at Luke and got into my car with Harry. We pulled out onto the street in complete silence, I wanted to turn on the radio but would that be rude? Should I introduce myself? Or ask why he went after Jack? Why he was eavesdropping on the conversation between Luke and I?

"I'm Harry, by the way," He said staring at his blood covered hands as they shake.

"Casse," My voice sounded mad but I really wasn't, I kind of liked what he did... What the hell is wrong with me?

"Why'd you go after Jack? You don't even know me?" I questioned trying not to sound bitchy, just curious. 

"I hate the idea of someone hitting you- I mean girls," He looked down curls falling over his face. I grabbed his bloody hand and squeezed it, he looked up at me questionably.

"Thank you," I simply said, removing my hand, "I'm not mad or anything, I actually think what you did was... well honestly good." 

"Good? How?" He smiled. His smile was actually really, cute. He was cute, he was hot actually, "Why are you staring at me?" 


"I- um sorry, I just don't get how someone like you could get so violent," He scrunched his nose. Why did I say that? This isn't going well, "I just mean that you look so nice... well now." 

I focused on the empty road. Why am I acting so weird around him, I'm never like this. As I think about how stupid I am we sit in silence. After a while he responded.

"What do you mean now?" How was I supposed to explain this. I didn't want to believe what I actually saw but he was just so... different.

"Well, back there, when you got upset, you changed..."I say and furrow my brows. 

"Changed? How?" he asks. And I thought I asked a lot of questions.

"You just were different, I don't know how to explain it," I actually know how to explain it perfectly, when Harry gets upset, it's what I get like when I'm upset, but that won't make any sense either to him, "it was like you became a different person. You're so calm now and then you looked like a murderer."

"Oh," He said as I stopped the car in front of the house. Harry got out of the car first and Luke pulled up behind me as I got out of my car. I waited by the front door for Luke, I had my keys but I wanted to wait. Luke came and unlocked the door in silence. I went into the kitchen and I was starving, I opened the fridge and pantry, nothing.

"Wanna order pizza?" Luke's voice makes me jump as he appeared in the kitchen behind me. He laughed for a moment, "sorry I didn't mean to scare you." 

"Haha very funny." I nudged his shoulder, "And pizza would be great." 

"Hey, uh, can I take a shower? I just finished putting all my stuff in the spare room," Harry walks into the kitchen and stands in the doorway, still wearing the bloody shirt. I guess he really is staying here, great.

"Yeah, I'm gonna order pizza and I'll be right up," Luke said, thank god, I couldn't deal with seeing Harry right now. I hardly know him and he already makes me uncomfortable and weird. Luke started ordering pizza and I focused on him.

"I have to what?" he says into the phone,"I thought you delivered?" 

Oh God.

"Fine 5 minutes," He hung up angrily sighing, "I have to go pick it up they don't deliver this late, and it's only ten how dumb is that" 

He ranted grabbing his keys and heading towards the door, "I'll be back in like ten minutes."


"Okay. I'll be here," he frowned before leaving.

I locked the door after he left and sighed, putting my head against the door. I'm in my house, alone, with Harry. This should be fun.

(a/n: ooh casse and harry are alone i wonderrrr what could happen hmmm lol

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ILY ~domz)

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