Chapter 15

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Casse's POV

I smiled as the expression on his face turned from smug to shocked. I continued to smile as he gawked at me in disbelief. I couldn't tell what he was thinking and the silence was driving me nuts. My smile was quickly fading.

"You're lying." His voice was hard and no longer playful. Technically I wasn't lying... but on another level I kind of was... I couldn't find the right words so I just shrugged.

"If you aren't lying tell me about how it happened." His smug tone was back and it struck a nerve.

"We were surfing and then we had sex." I said sarcastically. He was crazy if he thought I was going to give him any kind of details.

"I don't believe that. It's not like you." What? What does that mean. Harry hardly knows me. It drives me absolutely insane when he thinks he can just say these things and not piss me off.

"How isn't it like me?" I said folding my arms over my chest. I felt like a child when I did this, "I mean you did say that you think I'm a slut."

"What? When?" He said looking a bit taken back.

"At the beach." I rose my eyebrows, "When you said you think I've been kissed a lot."

"That's all that meant. I don't think you're a slut. I-" He cut himself off. He dropped his head and let the curls fall over his face.

"You what?" I took a step towards him, brushing his hair back.

"When I said it wasn't like you. I, I just meant that you wouldn't have- It's just..." What the heck? Harry is being really strange, stranger than normal, " I just mean that I think you're different."

"What do you mean?" I said taking a step back, not out of fear or hurt but because I don't want to get to close to him.

"You know, Luke told me that I remind him of you. And I can really see it." Wow. Luke thinks just like me. I did think that Harry and I were a lot alike in many ways... but I don't see what that has to do with this conversation.

"So?" I shrugged leaning against the dresser. I'd actually love to see where Harry is going with this.

"Luke told me so much about you, the way you do things, how you act, how to take the things you say, how you hate being called by your full name, and mostly how violent you get when you're angry." He paused taking two steps toward me, "You and I are a lot alike, Casse. I know that this whole you, isn't you. You block people out and you never let them in or give them a chance. I know that a lot of your opinions on things, that you've told me, are complete bullshit." Harry spat.

He was mere inches away from my face and I opened my mouth to say something but only to get interrupted, "I don't believe that you and Luke are anything but friends. I think that.. just like how I used to be, you think you're too bad for anyone. You can't help but believe that if you let someone in for more than sex, you know they will just judge you and you'll be alone. Luke definitely isn't like that. He wouldn't do anything unless you two were dating. So in a way I know you're lying to me, Casse."

I could feel his breathing on my face. It scared me at how on point his assumptions were, I knew Harry and I were alike but... he was literally a clone of me, "It was once and we were both hammered. Regretted it the next morning. Luke is nothing but my best friend."

I put my head down in shame. Harry caught me in a semi-lie, not only that but he basically figured me out.

Not everything, Harry maybe knew some things, but not everything. I mean sure he's got the basics. But there's a few critical things that he doesn't know. One is the reason I even agreed to this bet. The reason I knew I would win. I just felt bad for letting Harry think he could even have a chance. I wonder if Luke told him? He did tell him a hell of a lot.

"Kids dinner is ready!" I heard Luke's mom call from downstairs. Harry didn't move and neither did I. I wondered if he was going to make a move... Part of me wishes he did but another part knows I shouldn't.

"Kiss me already." I said pulling Harry's head down to mine. Our lips locked and no one took any time to think about it. Kissing Harry calmed me but also set a fire inside of me. Harry drove me nuts but I was drawn to him. We were just so in sync. He made me feel like no one else has, Harry was different.

"Harry! Casse! Dinner is ready!" Luke's mom called again breaking our kiss.

At the same time we both yelled, "Coming!" Before running downstairs to go have dinner.

Luke's mom had prepared a really nice dinner but I could hardly eat all I could think about is what Harry said to me. His words and how accurate they were were bothering me. Maybe I should talk to Luke about everything he told Harry. No. That would only make Harry think he was winning more. I hated how this bet was changing me. It seems like all I'm thinking about is Harry or the bet.

If Harry was as like me as he says, this could be at my advantage and disadvantage for this bet. He would know all of my weaknesses and things that could get to me. What nerves to strike and which to stay completely away from. Same goes for him. I would know exactly how to work him, which buttons to push and what to say, what to do.

I hadn't noticed but I had been staring at Harry with such a hard stare that if looks could kill he would be dead. Harry noticed the same time I did and mouthed to me, "What?"

I shook me head and he rolled his eyes and mimed what looked like taking a picture. I didn't get it at first and I tilted my head in confusion and he rose an eyebrow. I realized what he meant and started cracking up. Luke and his mom broke for conversation and stared at me with smiles of confusion. Harry looked at me like I was crazy.

"Sorry. I just thought of something funny." I chuckled lightly before shoving some mashed potatoes in my mouth. I smiled as I finished the rest of my dinner. I joined Luke's mom in the kitchen and helped her wash the dishes. I remembered where everything went from the last time I was here.

"Thank you for helping me clean up, Casse. You really didn't have to." She smiled handing me a plate to dry and put away.

"Really, Ms. Collins, it's not a big deal. It was the least I could do." I returned her smile, putting away the plate.

"Well, thank you. I bet you're exhausted. And for the last time Casse, call me Tina." I smiled and nodded as she handed me the last plate which I dried of and put away quickly.

"Thank you for the dinner, Ms- I mean, Tina. It was lovely." Her name sounded weird coming out of my mouth but it had a nice ring to it.

"Go to bed, honey. You'll need it. Tomorrow you and I are going Christmas shopping." She smiled and I nodded and headed up stairs into my room.

I changed into my pajama shorts and put on a sweater. I smiled because this sweater was Luke's. It smelled like him and it was comforting. I turned off my light and went into my bed. I stared at the ceiling for a while and eventually decided to text Kate. I told her I arrived safely and was having Harry troubles and to call be back in the morning.

Before I put my phone down I heard a light knock on my door, "Hey." I recognized Harry's voice.

"Harry what are you doing? Go to sleep." I said sitting up. I could see him in the semi dark room as he walked over to me. He climbed into bed and before I knew it I was laying down in his arms.

"Okay. Goodnight, babe." I smiled at the way he called me babe. It sounded so natural and perfect from his accent.

"Night Harry." I said nuzzling my head into his shirt, "Goodnight." I repeated with a smile.

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