Reluctant hand holding

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"Your hands are so cold!" Jon shied away from Eduardo's hand after an accidental brush of skin. He grabbed Eduardo's cold finger's with his own mitten clad hands in an attempt to warm them up. It was almost immediately yanked away.

"Get offa me," Eduardo ordered, shoving his hand in the safety of his jacket pocket.

"You're gonna freeze!" Jon insisted. Fighting the urge to hit his friend over the head, Eduardo rolled his eyes. As they trekked down the sidewalk cold winds bit at their skin, causing Eduardo to shiver. Jon carefully lifted Eduardo's hood and pulled it to rest on his head.

"Would you stop that!?" He swiped the hood back down, huffing. Jon was really testing his limits but he couldn't help it! Eduardo was flushed red from the cold and with each shivering breath he gave it billowed in the cold air. His other hand gripped a bag of groceries, his knuckles turning white. 

"Eddieeeeeeee!" Eduardo hated it when he called him that. "Please!" Eduardo didn't budge, not giving way to his pleas. "At least let me hold your hand!!"

"No. Way." Eduardo said flatly.

"I-if you let me, I won't bother you anymore!" They both knew that was an empty promise but Jon was grasping at straws at this point. Surprisingly, Eduardo complied. Very reluctantly. Jon stuck his hand in Eduardo's pocket, wrapping it around Eduardo's. Jon smiled, feeling content. Eduardo huffed. While he wouldn't admit it, it did feel better on his freezing hand. It almost felt like the warmth covered his entire body. They continued to walk along the sidewalk, now at a faster pace. Jon droned on about whatever came to mind, none of it fully registering with Eduardo. His mind was fixated on the warmth their entwined hands provided. As they came up on the house, Eduardo handed the grocery bag to Jon, looking for the house key. Oh. Oh no. His pockets turned up empty, both his jacket pockets and pants pockets. "Shit."

"What's wrong?" Jon squeezed his hand.

"I don't have the key." Silence. It seemed to grow colder the longer they stood outside. Eduardo beat on the front door in hopes of Mark being home. No luck. He groaned, dropping his head against the door.

"Maybe we can ask Edd for help?" Jon piped up. Eduardo groaned.

"Let's get this over with." Eduardo huffed, turning to walk further down the sidewalk. Jon followed closely, still optimistic. As they trudged up to the door Eduardo gave a few quick knocks. Maybe they wouldn't hear and they could try something else. His hopes were crushed when the door swung open. Matt's wide smile greeted them from the inside. Edd's face popped up from the doorway as well. Eduardo cleared his throat,preparing to speak.

"We got locked out of the house." Jon cut him off. Eduardo brought his palm to his forehead. The sound of Tom's laughter could be heard from inside the house.

"Yeah,yeah." Eduardo rolled his eyes,repressing the urge to raise his voice."We just need to stay in here until Mark gets back. We shouldn't be around you losers too long."

"Fine,I don't see why not." Edd accepted,deciding to do the nice thing. Both Edd and Matt cleared from the doorway, allowing their neighbors to slip through. The heat of the house was relief to their frostbitten faces. Upon entering the living room, they were greeted with Tom laying on the couch, eyes glued to the TV. He turned his head to them and raised an eyebrow.

"What?" Eduardo squinted, defenses rising. He could see Tom scan down, then up to their faces again before returning to the television.

"Nothing." He responded innocently, a small smirk on his face. After glaring at him, Eduardo glanced down to Jon's hand in his pocked. Flushing red, he grabbed Jon's wrist and yanked his hand away from its bond with his. He muttered something about a "stupid Jon" and "stupid warm hands".


After about an hour of sitting on their neighbors' couch, Eduardo and Jon found themselves sitting under the same blanket, pressed together very closely. Eduardo's hand rested on top of Jon's. Nearly nodding off to sleep, Eduardo mumbled.

"Jon,what time is it?" He rubbed at his eye. Jon stuck a hand in his pocket for his phone when his fingers brushed against a cool metal. He wrapped his fingers around it, giving a small gasp. Uh oh.

"Um, Eddie?"


"I uh, found something." He held out a small key between the tips of his fingers, laughing nervously. "Please don't be mad!!" Eduardo stared at the key, then over to Jon. He was too tired to be furious. He tossed the blanket off of himself, standing up. He grabbed Jon by the hand, pulling him off of the couch. Still holding his hand, he led him to the front door. Jon turned to wave to their neighbors as they left. The walk back to the house was quiet, though Eduardo's grip on Jon's hand remained firm. They stepped up to the door once more.

"Key." Jon nodded, shoving the key in it's slot. He pushed the door open, closing it when they were inside. They stood there for a moment,Jon giving Eduardo a nervous smile and Eduardo responding with an eyeroll. Eduardo blushed again when he realized their hands were still clasped together before pulling away. "I'm goin' to bed."

Eduardo had decided to forget about Jon's stupid slip up this once, but he didn't forget about how nice his hand felt with his.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2016 ⏰

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