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Haneul was washing the dishes of the dinner she had to eat alone after all; she gave up waiting for Hansol at 9:00p.m., when her empty stomach started demanding her with weird noises to eat the now almost cold spaghetti she prepared.

She couldn't help but worry about her boyfriend,"It's probably just the rain that caused traffic" she tried to assure herself as she picked up the plate in which she ate.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Shinee's song 1 of 1, which her friend Soonyoung had set as her ringtone in order to "Appreciate real talent" as the tiger-eyed boy had stated proudly a few weeks ago. A wave of disappointment came over her when she saw it wasn't Hansol the one calling but rather an unknown number.

Call from Unknown

Haneul: Hello?

?: Goodnight, is this Ms. Haneul Park?

Haneul: Yes, it is. Who am I talking to?

?: I am part of the police department miss, I'm sorry to inform you but Mr. Hansol Chwe has been involved in an accident with a truck.

Haneul let the dish slip from her hands to fall in the floor breaking into pieces, just as her heart did when she heard those tragic words. She couldn't even give a proper answer to the person on the phone, tears started to numb her vision as she fell to the floor, luckily not getting hurt with the broken pieces of plate.

Officer: We need you to come to the hospital to claim the body of the man so we-

Haneul: B-body? Are you telling me he is dead?

Her voice broke at the last word, her brain couldn't process what was happening, everything was happening so fast and she was still in a shock.

Officer: I am sorry madam, the impact he received was too hard and the doctors made everything in their power to save him, but sadly, they couldn't. Once again I am sorry for your loss but please come over as soon as possible.

Call disconnected 9:30p.m.

Haneul hung up the phone after that, it could have been seen as rude, but she couldn't let the man listen to the unstoppable sobs that came out of her mouth.

Her world was falling into pieces, she lost the most important person to her, the one she believed was the love of her life, the reason for her happiness, and the one who had stood by her through thick and thin, Hansol.

But even when he was always there for her, in this moment, in which she felt that he needed him the most, he wasn't there for her anymore and that broke her heart.

Dead Line 》Hansol VernonWhere stories live. Discover now