Classrooms and Corridors

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"Ms. Norewood?", Alice heard Clara Aleso call her hesitantly.

"Yes!?" Alice turned towards Professor McGonagall and Clara Aleso. Professor McGonagall was seated on her desk and Clara was seated opposite her. Clara gestured Alice to come and sit beside her. Alice went and sat down in the chair near Clara.

Professor McGonagall cleared her throat. Alice and Clara looked up at her.

"Ms. Norewood, as you might have noticed, the school is out and so there will be no one around, except, of course, for a few teachers. You can go and visit the school with Ms. Aleso after some time because I have to discuss something important related to the Ministry with her. So, if you could excuse us..... " Professor McGonagall was saying when Alice spoke up.

"Of course, but do you think I can go about on my own, I mean, if it is okay...."Alice asked.

"Sure, if you want to" Professor McGonagall said.

"Great!" Alice squealed with delight, "See you soon!"

She turned for one last look at the portraits and then walked towards the door............


"What a beautiful place!!", Alice thought as she walked into a classroom. She had had no idea where to go from the Headmistress' office and had walked wherever her feet took her, turning this way and that, taking in everything she could see.

"How I wish I had my camera! I could have taken a picture of everything here!"

She took her phone once again, from her pocket, hoping against hope, that miraculously, it would work. But, whatever we hope or wish, there is this force called Luck which decides to come to us at times of it's choice and not ours.
So, when Alice took out her phone, she saw that ( yeah you guessed it right ) it was dead. Frowning, she kept it back and was about to turn when she noticed a pile of books in one corner of the room. Intrigued, she walked over to the corner to take a closer look. That was when she noticed that, it was parchment arranged, not books!

She took the topmost parchment and read it. On the right side corner a name was written "Krisann Everard".

Alice saw that the page was given a title 'Uses of Bezoars'
"Bezoars! Whoa! They are the ones that can save us from deadly potions! It comes in the fifth part!"
She touched the parchment and felt it. It was wonderful, standing there like that, forgetting all the worries and troubles of the Muggle World.

"Stealing souvenirs already?", Alice almost jumped, as she heard a gruff voice.

She turned around to see who had spoken. And Lo! There the person was! Alice had thought that she would love every part of the wizarding world. But she had forgotten certain people. There, there was a (probably the only) person whom she had never looked forward to meeting. Rather, probably the only person she had never wanted to meet, or even come across, for that sake!

Hiya people!
A cliffhanger chapter!
So, who do you think that person is going to be?
Send love, don't forget to vote! Love you all, loads.
A shoutout to PuppyPotter113 for being the best friend and reader any writer can get and the sweetest person I know on wattpad.

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