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It was a dull, grey Tuesday morning. The sky was cloudy and the weather gloomy. There were no trees nearby, only a mud path which lead to a large building.

Suddenly, there was a crack. And out of nowhere, two people appeared! One was a middle aged lady, with rather strange fashion sense. She wore a turquoise blue cloak which swept the ground and high-heeled boots. Her hair was drawn into a tight bun. She looked distinctly ruffled and impatient, probably in a hurry.

The other person was a young girl, whose clothing was decent. She was wearing a crop top with blue denims and a rucksack on her shoulder. She widened her eyes, and looked around in awe.

Like she was in wonderland, which she probably was.

The two walked towards the large building and entered it. The hall inside was very long and splendid, with a highly polished, dark wood floor. The peacock blue ceiling was inlaid with gleaming golden symbols, that kept moving and changing. The walls had many gilded fireplaces set into them, out of which weirdly dressed people emerged every other minute.

The woman didn't stop to notice any of the wonderful things there. She was, apparently, used to it. But the young girl, stopped and looked around, clearly spellbound. After looking around to her heart's content, she walked behind the older woman. This woman was called Hepzibah Smith.

The two walked down the hallway, past a fountain. A group of large golden statues stood in the middle of a circular pool. The statue of a noble looking person with a stick, no a magic wand pointing upward was the biggest. Grouped around him were a beautiful lady a centaur, a goblin and an elf. Sparkling jets of water were flying from the end of the wand, the point of the centaur's arrow, the tip of the goblin's hat and each of the elf's ears. Silver and Bronze coins were glinting from the pool's bottom.

The woman led the girl into a smaller hall, where several elevators stood behind golden grilles

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The woman led the girl into a smaller hall, where several elevators stood behind golden grilles. People were standing around each of the elevators. The two people joined the crowd around the elevator right in front of them. With a great clattering, an elevator descended and the golden grille slid back. They went inside along with the rest of the crowd. The grilles slid shut and the elevator ascended slowly. A female voice declared the first landing as Level Seven as the doors opened and a few people got out. Again, the doors shut and the lift ascended........

At Level One, our protagonist, the young girl and Hepzibah Smith exited the elevator and walked into the corridor lined with doors. Hepzibah Smith lead our protagonist to the last room on the right side. She pushed open the door, which had a plaque on it, claiming the room to be, "The Office of The Minister For Magic - Hermione Granger-Weasley."

Alice Norewood, yeah, that's the name of our protagonist, followed Hepzibah Smith into the room. It was a large room lined with bookshelves on both sides. Up ahead, there was a big table littered with all sorts of papers, files, folders and weird articles. At the end of the table, sat a brown haired woman. She was reading something from a folder but she stopped and stood up as Alice and Hepzibah Smith entered.

"Welcome", she said warmly, "to the Wizarding World"

And everything Alice had been holding back until then burst out. She swore loudly as tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision, threatening to pour down. Alice Norewood looked up, wiping her tears, which were falling rapidly now and smiled at  Hermione Jean Granger.


Hi readers,
How was the Chappie?
There are so many Harry Potter references in this chapter.

Good luck at finding out! Let's see how many you are able to identify.
Much love,

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