Chapter One

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"Somewhere... Beyond the Sea... Somewhere waiting for me... My Lover stands on golden sands... and watches the ships that go sailing..."

I hold my head up with my hand, with my elbow on the window seal of the car, i daze off into the rushing landscapes passing by my eyes. The radio is soft and faint but i can here my favorite song on, but i dont make an effort to sing or smile to the song. Today's not the greatest day to sing. "Oh listen dear its your favorite song!!!" my mother says loudly in the silent car. She turns it up and does a little dance in the seat when she turns her head to look at me and shakes my arm and says "Come on!! Be happy!" But the thing is... I can't be happy i dont even want to leave to see my dad. The divorce was complicated enough to go through five years ago. But this is the first time i'm actually seeing him in five years. I don't understand why happy people insist on bugging the crap out of the unhappy people. I simply just want to yell in their face and say "Go bug someone else that is as happy as you!" But that's impossible to do with my mother. I relized that when i was little that no matter how hard i try to tell her to stop being so freaking happy, she won't stop because she thinks some day i'm going to magically end up like a happy teenager that she wants. But have you ever heard of a happy teenager? No i didn't think so.

"Lighten up at least your in Florida girl!" she says perky. She reminded me of a perfect mother on a detergent commercial, its like that commercial has been going on for 18 years now. I see the sign that says "Welcome to Sunny Florida" on it. I loved Florida, that was one of the perks of my dad living here. He owned his own house on the beach near the boardwalk. I actually used to live there when my parents were together. We'd have perfect days. I'd go to school and come back wearing clean cut floral dresses with boots and i would tell my mom about my good grades and my perfect rich boyfriend and then she would stay home and clean the house and make exquisite dinners like calamari or roasted salmon. Dad would come home right before dinner and he would kiss mom and laugh with us. Oh how i loved my old commercial life when i was 15. But those years have past my parents are divorced, my dad has all the money, my mom works 24/7, and i basically flushed my grades down the toilet along with that perfect boyfriend. "I hope your father is excited to see you!" she says smiling from ear to ear i can tell by the way her voice was streched out.

We pull up onto the sandy driveway in someways and i look around at the oaks and the palm trees that surrond the barely made up street. Dad was standing there on the porch looking at the SUV pulling up in his driveway. Mom gets out first and starts to talk to dad saying the usual hello and how have you been. I take the earbuds out of my ears and turn my music off and put my phone into my back pocket with my earbuds barely staying in the loosly white skinny jeans i have. I put the clump of curly brunette hair behind my ear and fix my side ponytail i had. I ajusted my floral pink and orange top that my mother picked out for me this morning to look nice for dad. I put my flip flops back on from me being curled up in the seat and walk out the door. I glance at dad, he looked the same when we left him 5 years ago. The same Sandy blonde hair and scruff on his face, he wore a hawian shirt and dark green shorts with flipflops. Yeap, just like he did when i was 15. "Theres my sweet little girl!!!" he basically screams into both our faces, even my mom's smile went down for only 5 seconds. I walk past him and walk down the strip of a bridge going down to the beach. My mom calls my name out and so does my dad, but then i hear him say that that's what you get for a teenager. I walk down the beach and look around, the ocean was beautiful the foam of the waves crashed just near my feet as i take my flip flops off i notice guys staring at me. They could tell i was from out of town and even the girls noticed that i didn't have the darkest tan as them. I walked up towards the boardwalk and i notice all the little cute booths with red circus tents above them. People were selling jewelry made by seashells and little knick knacks made of seashells too. Others would sell food or clothes, little souviner items. I pushed the clump of curly hair out of my face as the wind blows it back into my face. I notice people at the otherside of the boardwalk on the beach with surfboards.

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