(Laura's Pov)"ROSS!" I yelled. Wait he doesn't know my password. I snickered. "YOU DONT KNOW MY PASSWORD. HA!" I laughed to myself. "Or do I? 29th November.. real Creative Laura." Ross yelled back from the toilet.
"DANG U ROSS!" I shouted. "Relax." Ross called, and I could tell he was trying his best not to laugh. Ten minutes later, Ross finally came out. I jumped on his back, glaring at him. Ross raised both hands up, "woah chill. You want your phone?" I glared at him, "DUH!" I screamed in his ear. Ross covered his ear and grunted an inaudible word as he returned me my phone.
"What did you do?" I glared at Ross fiercely while trying to unlock my phone. "Nothing." Ross looked at me sneakily, grabbed his wallet, keys and phone before racing out of the room. I would've run after him but i didn't want to waste my energy on him.
I checked my entire phone, and when I saw my Message group with R5,Raini and Calum about Ross surprise birthday party, my heart flipped. "Hey guys I just wanted to tell you Ross is the hottest man ever." Apparently I had sent that to the group.Wait. ROSS WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU I SWEAR. I quickly sent a counter message, "That was Ross he stole my phone." I clicked send. "Wait Ross saw this group? Well that means the party's off. Too bad for ya Ross." Riker texted in reply. I grinned and turned off my phone before lying contentedly on the bed. When Ross got home that night, I smiled sweetly at him.
Again, written by her:)