It's definitely her (Lewis)

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I walked into the classroom and spotted her. Sitting in the corner of the classroom. Her long, brown hair falls beneath her shoulders. And I knew she was the one from the first time I saw her. I walked over and sat down at the desk right next to her. Ella turned and looked over at me and I smiled. From the position she was sitting, I could see the bottom of her arms. And on her wrist, I saw the sign. It was a circle with a dot in it. It's definitely her. I thought. See, we come from is an alien-like species called the Inhumans. Before the humans came along, it was only us. And let's just say, we had a little disagreement. Half of us thought that we should expose our powers so that we can "help" other people, but the others didn't. There was a leader for each side. One of them, is Luna Metham, she was against exposing them. And then, there was Colton. He was one of the most powerful men of our kind, he was with exposing our powers, Then, it was a war between them, and us. After the war, things got out of hand and most of the Inhumans died. Because our bodies generate like aliens, we can live up to 3,000 years old and that's why there are a couple of us left. Including Colton. This man is after all of the rest of Inhumans on the other side but ESPECIALLY, this one girl who escaped. It was Luna Methams daughter. She was almost as powerful as him and if Colton didn't get rid of her, then this special girl can ruin his plan to make the universe how it was before the humans came along. And I can tell, that special girl, is Ella Johnson. Our species can send signals to our minds when there are other Inhumans around and there were definitely some large vibes going through me when I'm around Ella. This is what me and my sister Riley came here for. To protect her from Colton, because we knew he was getting closer to finding Ella, and if her powers get in the wrong hands, horrible things will happen.

In our species, we have groups of people who have the same  powers. There are about 7 different types that you can be born with, but there are 3 main ones. One of them is the power of seeing. With this power, you predict what will happen next but you can only tell the future of that day. No longer. The second one is the power of remembrance. With this power, you can remember anything no matter how long it was ago and also, this makes you very smart. The last important power is the power of pushing. With this, you can pretty much read minds. I know it doesn't seem that much, but depending on the type of person you are, this can become really powerfull. That's why Colton is after Ella, because she is the daughter of Luna, and she has the power of pushing. With a little bit of time and effort, I can train her to use her power correctly. I just need to find out a way to tell her.

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