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I hate school.

The only part that a teenager should like about school is seeing their friends. Except in my case, I have none. Jk. But seriously. School is so annoying. We are forced to learn things that we will never need in life.

There should be required classes that have everything you need to know and then you should be able to choose classes for the stuff that you don't have to know.

For example, I need to know my multiplication and division, but I don't need to know the Pythagorean theorem to go grocery shopping. Point proven.

There's also the people at school who think they're better than everybody. There's not many people at my school like this, but they are definitely out there. They're popular, rude, always with their sidekicks or a hot guy, and everyone knows them.

Why can't everyone be friends with everyone? Like seriously it can't be that hard if everyone tries. But not everyone will try so that's not going to happen.

Being new is also very hard. For me, it was a minor case, but for others, it's super hard. You got this though.

It might help if you're in a club or sport or something. I'm in marching band (where are all of my band geeks at??) and I might do the yearbook club again. But being a part of something definitely helps you fit it.

Music helps. I get bored easily, and my go to is almost always music. Trust me. It's amazing.

I really hope your school is not like the school in Mean Girls. That would be terrible.

Do you know a Regina George? I'm glad I don't, but others aren't so lucky.

Thanks for reading!!:) over 300 words!! I'm getting better, I promise.

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Love you all💘


xoxo Kate

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