Ch:3 "The start of a not so great holiday"

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"I canot believe we agreed to this: Mitchel said as he took a bite of his toast.It was eight  in the morning and the entire  Australian team was gathered in the dining room for breakfast.The weather outside was beautiful as the sky was clear and a cool breeze was blowing,although it was only the start of December a chill could be felt in the breeze indicating the start of winter."Did you guys even hear me"Mitchel repeated getting annoyed at unresponsive faces of his team mates.The team was either too sleepy or too busy with their breakfast to hear Mitchel's complains.Watson dug in to a bowl of cereal and glanced at the empty seat next to Lee."Guess Clarke is'nt here yet" he said mostly to himself then to the others.At the exat moment the door to the dining room opened and Clarke walked in wearing a black track suit with a hoodie,his hair were wet with sweat and a backpack hung from one shoulder.Sitting down to catch a breath he took a long slow slip of juice,not noticing that the glass he took beloged to his blonde team mate.Watson did'nt mind Clarke using it,in fact he was a bit pleased to have Clarke sitting next to him.Being the Captain Clarke was always surronded by team mates or coaches,so Watson enjoyed these few moments when his Captain casually set next to him or started a chat with him.Watson had almost finished but he was'nt in a hurry to get up.Usually he would be the first to leave the table because that meant he could spend extra time on his hair.Every one in the team knew that Watson spent hours fixing his perfect blonde hair and was rearly seen with a hair out of place.Even in the early morning hours he appeared to be well dressed,in dark jeans and a white cottton shirt,his hair sticking out from under a black and white cap."so"Clarke said getting every one's attention "today is the day of our trip,the destination for our trip is kept a secret so the media will not be followig us.Also the place we are going is going to be very cold,so i suggest you bring lots of warm clothes and blankets.And the last and most important thing is that you will not be allowed to bring any sorts of electronics except obviously your cellphones."Clarke stopped to take a breath as loud whispers took over the room.

"Come on close up already"Stuart Broad said,his calm voice getting more and more frustrated by the second.Finn looked up from the book to glance at his best friend struggling to close crammed suit case."Geez Stu,what have you got in there,your house?"Finn laughed "you know we are only going for a week".He got up from the bed and went to help his struggling friend."Not my house" Stu replied obviously still annoyed,"I only took the necessities like my X-box,video games,my laptop,hair straightner,blow dryer and some clothes''.Finn just stared at Stuart with a shocked expression before speaking again."Necessities?,we are'nt supposed to take electronics,or do you  not know what that means".Graeme Swann who was passing through the corridor stopped as soon as he heard Finn.with a smirk he entered Stu's room,"Seriously Finny,you're asking Stu what electronics mean,he does'nt know that he got a B grade in school remember",he finished with a laugh.Stuart scowled,"B grade in A levels,its not as bad as you make it sound,and besides i know basic English."Finn just shook his head and emptied Stu's suitcase replacing the many electronical items with the things he would need,Swann was about to comment that the way Finn  was packing for Stu was kind of adorable,but he remembered that he himself had'nt enen started packing yet,and Jimmy was too lazy to do his own bag let alone Swanny's.Broad and Finn gave each other surprised looks as Swann scurried out of the room.

A large honking sound could be heard outside as two large buses lined up outside the team hotel.Both of the busses were identical except each had a flag of Australia and England stuck on one side.Both teams stood near their respective buses,hustling their bags and chatting loudly with each other.The air was crisp and cold already,They were told by the instructor that they were going to a mountain camp side which would serve as both a training camp and a holiday spot.Lee smiled excitedly as he picked up his suitcase and loaded it in to a truck,"I love camping this is going to be so much fun."Binga you love every thing",Watson said with a laugh.Watson was'nt exagerating his blonde best friend was not only a cricketer,he was in a music band,had his own fashoin brand,had written a book,modeled in toronto fashion show,was a farmer and worked at a store in his spare time.Talk about multi tasking."So you'll sit next to me right?',Binga smiled.Watson bit his lip as he looked at Clarke who was happily chatting to Mitchel Jonson,Binga caught him staring and winked at him."Do'nt worry i'll sit next to Mitch".Watson gave him a grateful smile and got on the bus quickly taking the front seat.Other players also started to get on,one by one.Clarke was the last to get on,looking around he could see that the only spare seat left was near Watson.Adjusting his bag on the rack at the top of the seat he sat down.At once butterflies filled Watson's stomach but he tried to act normal,giving Clarke a small nod before turning his face towards the window.He could'nt help smiling to him self,this was going to be the best trip ever.

'NOOOOOooo"a scream filled the english bus,as ten faces spun around to stare at Steven Finn and Stuart Broad who were sitting at the back of the bus."What is it now Finny",Matt Prior said knowing all too well,that Finny's scream would be anything but serious.Finn dug in to his back pack again before replying Prior."I forgot to bring gummy bears" he pouted.Out of no where a plastic bottle whacked Finny in the head."I was a sleep Idiot,before your jelly crises woke me up",Finn looked to see the Jimmy Anderson glaring at him."Sorry",he replied quitely."Don't worry Finny we will get you some at the next stop",Stu gently smiled at Finny.He recieved back a grateful smile and a nod.Sure enough the bus stopped an hou later at a gas station with a small shop.Half of the english tem were already a sleep,all except one black haired boy who had been wanting the bus to stop for a while now.Glancing at Stu he was met with the sleeping form of his team mate.Not wanting to disturb any one Finn got of the bus by him self,un noticed by the driver who was paying for the gas.Finn knew that the stop was small and that he was'nt supposed to get of as the team was'nt allowed to go any where on their own.They were miles away from the city so gettting lost could be trouble.Finn shurged his head from the bad thoughts and comforted him self that he would be back before they even knew it.Entering the shop he bought him self a packet of gummy bears and then a packet of crisps for Stu.Smilig he payed the shop keeper and made his way out.But he was'nt prepared to meet the sight that greeted him,the placewhere the bus had been only a few minuites a go was was empty.His hands grew cold as a wave of fear rushed through him.The bus was gone and he was stranded alone on the gas station in the middle of no where.Digging in his pockets he figured he had left left his cell phone back in the bus.Finn bit his lip and tried his best to calm down,it was already evening and the sun was just setting behind the mountains.The air was becoming more and more cold arond him."Finn silently cursed him self for the trouble waited for his team mates to figure out he was missing and come back for him,the only questoin was "How long would that take."

OOC:Well thats it for Chapter 3..hope you guys enjoed it and hope Broady wakes up soon and finds out Finny is'nt on the bus..;)!!

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