
    So Sam and I found something in the trash the other day, and it might interest you a bit. I dunno if I should give it to you though. Obviously, you and I both know that Dean’s completely lost it, but this time, it was totally unexpected. I can’t tell you exactly what it is, was just crazy! Sam was actually the one who found it, but I read it too. Like I said, it’s just crazy! The poor guy; I’m actually starting to feel really bad for him. It’s been 5 months since you left, and Ally, he really needs you back. Like, almost now. But I know he has to wait, and I heard you actually called him the other day, which was a good idea. I remember him saying that he just wanted to hear your voice again. He’s doing a little better, but still isn’t eating much. And...I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but...he hasn’t been…”taking care of himself”. Sam asked him about it, and he just looked upset. Just imagine what he’ll be like when you get back ;)


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