hey, thats pretty gay. • jojian

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Word count: 884

Quick sum up: Joji might have feelings towards his best friend but doesn't know how to deal with the realisation.

Joji isn't gay, he swears on it. But, Ian intrigued him. At first it was just secret glances at the side of Ian's face during movie nights. He would examine his eyelashes, his lips, the way his smile would practically touch his ears everytime someone on the t.v. would say something remotely funny.

Then it turned to getting flustered when Ian would wake-up and walk around the house shirtless with a rough and sleepy voice that would mumble a quick "good morning" to everyone in the house. Ian would make him coffee with perfect amount of sugar and creamer and Joji would just look down at the warm mug in his hands while a warm smile traveled to his face.

And eventually Joji would wake-up in the middle of the night from dreams of him and Ian in heated situations. He was beyond confused on how this could happen, Ian was one of his best friends. The worst part about this whole thing was the fact that it all happened within a weeks time. Joji had accepted that he was absolutely screwed.

Now he layed awake on a Wednesday night at 3am trying to distract himself with some random tracks from soundcloud. (Im listening to Water or Concrete by Setec btw 10/10 recommend) He was lost in the lyrics of a song that he had only heard a few times before when Ian walked in. Joji nearly jumped out of his own skin when the bed sank in next to him. He opened his eyes wide to look next to him confused about who would be awake right now. When he saw who it was his whole world came crashing down but within the same moment it was rebuilt from the butterflies he had gotten from Ian. Before it bacame awkward the taller boy spoke up.

"Why are you still awake? Are you okay?" His eyes are full of concern and Joji knows he can't tell Ian what's bugging him.

"Yeah, yeah im fine just having one of those nights yanno?" Joji says with a forced but soft chuckle to convince the boy next to him.

"George, you've been having 'one of those nights' for a week now, did you thing i haven't noticed?" Ian says, the only reply he gets is a small nod from Joji. Ian sighs.
"What's wrong man? If you don't tell me i can't help you know."

"I just," Joji pauses to look at Ian. He takes in his features, such as his pretty green eyes and his cute pink lips and he may have stared at his lips a little too long because Ian starts to fidget and look around. "Look it's a long story and-" He's cut off my Ian's abrupt words.

"No it's not, don't bullshit with me man, just tell me what's going on." Ian says slightly annoyed. Joji doesn't know how to voice what he means so he gathers every ounce of guts he has and goes to lean in. He's startled by lan's sudden retraction before he can even kiss him. Joji's whole face turns bright red and he starts to jumble an apology with incoherent words. Ian stops him though.

"Don't worry about it, it just surprised me." He says with a small smile, Joji tilts his head in confusion. Ian grabs him by the back of his neck and pulls him in. Joji is caught by suprise for a moment but soon relaxes into the kiss. They kiss with a slow tender pace until they feel like they're breathing fire. They reluctantly pull away and look at each other for a moment.

"What were you going to tell me?" Ian asks the Jap across from him.

"That i think i really like you, but i think you get the idea." They both smile at eachother for only a moment until they're both leaning in once again. This kiss lasts impossibly longer and gets a lot more heated than the last. Ian pushes Joji onto his back and puts one hand next his head and the other on his hip. Joji lets out a breathy moan when the other boy grips hard onto his hip. Joji wraps his arms around Ian putting his hands up his shirt. Ian sits up to take off his shirt and Joji takes this opportunity to do the same. They both lay back down and connect their lips again. Their hands are all over eachother for what seems like hours. That is until they hear a loud knock on the door and jump off eachother just in time to see Max opening the door.

"What the hell are you two doing in here, I'm trying to sleep you cunts." They both turn red and give timid apologies to the Aussie. He shuffles out of the room and down the hall and the two boys wait until they hear his bedroom door shut to let out stiffled laughs. They look at eachother and smile.

"Lets just finish this tomorrow, yeah?" Ian says.

"Yeah, sounds good." Joji replies laying down Ian following suit. Joji cuddles into the taller boy's side wrapping an arm around his waist. "Good night, Ian."

"Good night, Joj." He whipers back. They fall asleep with cheesy smiles on their faces soon after.

Heeey look gay stuff, hope u guys don't mind. Im just trowing stuff together bc i havent gotten any requests. Put ur requests =》
Chapter question: who do you think tops?

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