Let Me Teach You - Teacher!Joji

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Word count:2774 (longest so far)

Description:Joji is a Japanese teacher that y/n has had a crush on for while, turns out feelings are mutual.

Idea creds: mickeythenerd


Everyone has a favorite teacher, whether it's because it's a nice teacher, the teacher of your favorite subject, or any other reason. Y/n's favorite teacher has been Mr.Miller a.k.a. Mr.Pink (class inside joke) since 9th grade. You see, she only had to take a foreign language for 2 years, but something about her japanese teacher made her take an extra 2 years. No one knew about her secret "crush" that she had on her 7th period teacher, but her best friend was catching on.

"Why are you walking to class so fast, we have 10 minutes to get there and it's right down the hall." Lea (ur bff) shouted behind her.
"Just need to talk to Mr.Pink about my grade, you can catch up with me later." y/n shouted back. She found out 3rd period when report cards were handed out that she had one failing grade, and it just so happened to be in the infamous japanese teacher's class. She strolled in his class, being the first to arrive, with the paper that ruined her day in her firm grip.
"Mr.Pink, can i talk to you really quickly? It's about my grade." She says almost out of breath from speed walking all the way to the classroom.
"What is there to discuss? You failed my class right, how is that my fault?" He reasponed snarkily, as of he had heard the same phrase too many times that day.
"But sir, I turn in all of my work, I know all i need to know, i don't understand what im doing wrong." She retorts.
"Y/n, turning in almost blank papers is not doing the work, plus you've aready taken my class 3 years now, who cares if you fail?" He says with a smirk. Y/n is furious at this point, for no particular reason.
"Come on, what do i have to do to get my grade up without doing shit?" She says short tempered.
"Woah, language, least you can do is use japanese profanity." The teacher says with a small laugh, "Just meet me after class and we'll figure something out. Now go sit down, i need to deal with some kid's angry parents." And with that she sat. It was the last class of the day so she had his class already. She may have been crazy but she swore he made eye contact with her a few times, maybe even smiled once. But it was probably just her brain playing tricks on her.


School finally let out, which meant she had to discuss her shitty grade with Mr.Miller. But before she could get up to go talk to the man, Lea grabbed her arm.
"Do you think you could give me a ride home, Holly is mad at me and told me to find a new ride." Lea asks desprately.
"I actually have to talk to Mr.Pink about my grade right now, i wish i could but i really need to pass this semester." Y/n responds sympathetically.
"Hanging out with your hottest teacher after school now, huh?" Lea mocks with a smirk. She shakes her head and starts walking away, "Have fun, I'm gonna go harass T.J. until he gives me a ride. See you Monday." Y/n waves in a half goodbye and half "shoo" gesture. After Lea finally receeds from the empty classroom, y/n approaches the teachers messy desk.

"Hottest teacher, huh? I thought that bald guy who teaches english beat me by a long shot. Let him know that he had a secret admirer down the hall." The japanese teacher says with raised eyebrows.
"You can ignore her, and i bet Mr.Beckett would love to go down on the youngest teacher in the school." She laughs, "How old are you anyways?"
He laughs with the student, "You really should have some kind of filter in front of teachers, you're gonna get into trouble one day and I'm not going to be there to fish you out of the office." He says in a warning tone.
"You didn't answer my question, how old are you?" Y/n questions again, cuious as ever.
The man sighs, "24, yes i know 'oh you're so young you must be a prodigy child' yada yada yada, I just graduated early and stuff. What about you, how old are you?" He asks curiously.
"18 in like 2 weeks actually. Ready to get out of this deep dark pit of desperation and horny teens though." She answers with a small laugh.
The teacher finally sobers up and fixes his posture after noticing that he's in fact still in his classroom.
"Okay, sorry, why are you here again?"
"My grade, i have a 46 in here currently. I need to pass in order to keep my car and graduate on time."
He laughs, almost mocking the girl. "You think you can just come get some extra credit with that grade? You're gonna need to spend quite a lot of time with me to fix that grade of yours. Hope you like me because you're not passing without a lot of tutoring hours." Mr.P says with a shrug.
"Shouldn't be too bad, you're my favorite teacher anyhow." The girl mocks getting the point across that she's not giving up.

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