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"Sigh" a tired sigh escaped your lips as you floated in the blackness two options showed in front of you.

[Reset] or [Continue]
Your soul stood out in front of you waiting for the choice to be made. You looked at the options carefuly and let out a pitiful chuckle.

"How long have I been doing this for how many times have I done this? 1....5....20?." you frowned

"Twenty times....and it's still the same outcome....haha twenty-one times a charm" you faked smile and frowned again.

Your pov:

I looked at my soul seeing how small it was smaller than it was before. I had reset twenty times and with each reset I lost something.I thought back to how it all started.

I was the first to fall in the hole and not to long after frisk came in after me. We were the same age and quickly we clung to each other like siblings. Like me she had nobody we were orphans. We lived with Toriel our mother but after awhile we wanted to venture out more so we left the ruins.

Frisk and I were similar though very different although we weren't talkative she was outgoing while I was an introvert. I was never really good at putting myself out there and never really liked it seeing as how the feelings of panic would rise in my chest when I attempted to talk to someone. It just never worked out I was always to nervous to form any words and I'd end up embarrassed and run away. Because of that people stayed away from me and avoided me soon they started to pick on me ..I paused, I didn't want to delve any further than that.

After awhile I ended up getting into drawing it was my peace it filled me with something I had never felt. I smiled a little thinking back on the memories of me drawing then I soon snapped out of it.

Leaving the ruins made us nervous we were frightened to say the least but the beauty of it filled me with that same feeling all those years ago and together we went forward never stopping. It was when we felt we were being followed our pace quickened until we ended up by a bridge. A voice behind us told us to turn around we faced it and I shook its hand though the next thing that happened had frisk dieng of laughter and me feeling like passing out from the anxiety the stranger gave me. I smiled a little the stranger his name was Sans. He had a deep voice so soothing and enough to make a girl want to hear more. To say he was handsome would be an understatement he which is a little shocking since hes just a skeleton I blushed at my thoughts. After awhile we got to know the skeleton and his brother me and Frisk ended up staying with the brothers and everyday was full of smiles and laughter.

It didn't take long for me to fall for sans all though I didn't talk to him much or hang out with him really I was to shy to be with him by myself so I'd only go if Frisk was there though that wouldn't be to often since they often leave without me. I frowned at that thought.

It didn't take long for frisk to find out I had feelings for Sans and after awhile she ended up falling for him to. I was shocked when I found this out and not by her telling but by seeing her and sans together in love. It broke my heart I felt betrayed. I stopped talking to everyone after that Papyrus tried to cheer me up but he failed Frisk tried to apologize but I didn't want to speak or see her face. Sans tried to tell jokes but I ignored him. Soon they just decided to leave me be and I decided to leave. I walked to waterfall where the echo flowers were and I spoke into them as they spoke back to me. I felt hallow inside like I had nothing I closed my eyes to try and clear my head but only images of sans popped into my mind and I hated it. But soon I realised I can't get rid of my love for him I was filled with that feeling again and I spoke one word .


I had Determination , I refused to give up. I loved sans first and if it meant fighting for then that's what I was prepared to do ......but something.....along the way............

I held my head in pain, this always happened I could never remember any further than that. But all I knew is when I discovered the power to reset I did it every single time they ended up together I tried changing things but somehow Frisks determination was beating mine. With each reset I felt that I was loosing something more and more until it hit me. I was loosing my determination....somehow Frisk was taking it. No one really knew that I was resetting the timeline until he found out. Sans caught me along with frisk when I was about to Reset and he looked at me with such anger that it hurt. Frisk was always aware when things would set back but she didn't know it was me until now.

I looked at the options again this would be the last reset it doesn't matter now they know and I've lost my determination. Frisk has taken it all. I smiled as a tear went down my face. I should have just given up.


I pressed reset with the last of what I had and everything became white.

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