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I woke up on a bed of flowers and got up I knew it wouldn't be long till frisk arrived down and I didn't plan on waiting on her. I guess you could say we had a distaste for each other, our sister like bond was gone. But its not like she needs to worry I wasn't going to do anything not like there was anything I could do. I felt nothing just extreme emptiness it didn't feel right. I walked into the next room to see that flower. It Annoyed me that stupid smirk it would give me every time I ended up here.

"Back again I see (yn), it didn't work out the way you wanted it again huh" it said to me in a mocking tone and I glared at it.

" hehehe no need to look so sour life doesn't always go the way you want it to but if you join me I co-" I walked past the flower annoyed it kept trying to get me to join it and I refused each time I wasn't stupid enough to trust that weed. It was gonna come back though it always did.

Time SKIP( no need to go through details with Toriel)

I left the ruins after dealing with Toriel saying goodbye. I rubbed my arms feeling the cold air hit me and began walking. I knew sans was here but I didn't intend on speaking with him. I arrived at the bridge and stopped when I heard his voice my heart skipped a beat and I frowned, if I could I would stop loving him but I can't I wish I could but I cant.

"Hey bud don't you know how to greet a old pal" he said but I didn't turn around I continued walking forward that same emptiness making itself more known. Sans didn't seem to like that since he was now in front of me.

"Okay let me rephrase that I've got questions for you and your gonna answer them capiche?" I refused to look at him and tried to walk past him but he grabbed my hand. I struggled but he only held tighter. I winced at the pain from the pressure he put on my hands. I slowly glanced up to see his yellow eyes glowing as he glared.

"Look doll we could do this the easy way or the hard way"

I looked at him fully and turned my face away I had no intentions of talking to him. I quickly kicked him and he let go of my hand in pain I ran past him quickly only to stop as a sickly feeling came over me. Sans was in front of me again angry this time but I didn't pay any attention to that as a sudden pain started beating in my chest.

"Looks like its gonna be the hard way" he said as I slowly looked at him sweat running down my forehead. He held out his hand as a yellow glow came from it and then the feeling from before was stronger then ever as my soul came out. Both me and sans eyes widened in shock.

"What the..." he said

I looked at my soul to see it had no trait and cracks. A sudden pain hit me and before I could make any noise I was out.


I soon woke up to see I was in a house the skelebros house to be exact. I was on the couch and I attempted to get up only to groan in pain from my chest. I looked around no one was home I wanted to leave this house quickly and I didn't want to see frisk. I tried again to move and let out a small scream in pain. I ended up falling to the floor. I put my hand on the couch and clutching my chest a forced my self to stand. I wanted at the pain I felt like passing out again but I continued to move I was finally at the door and opened opened it stumbling as I fell out face first in the snow and groaned at the pain. I attempted to crawl only to see a pair of feet in front of me I look up too see none other than sans as he smirks.

"Well we'll well look at what we have here" he said as he picked me up bridal style. I would of tried to fight him off but the pain was doing a number on me.

"Now you weren't trying to escape were you?" he questioned and I didn't answer looking away from him as he set me back on the couch.

"Now as I originally said before I have questions for you and your gonna answer them." he said as I still refused to look at him as I frowned

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