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You were caught off guard when sans suddenly grabbed you by the throat glaring at you. It was like he could see right through you.

"You better watch what you say cause I wouldn't hesitate to snap that pretty little neck of yours" he said menacingly

You shook in your spot visibly frightened sans let go of your neck and you brought your hands up to your arms trying to calm yourself the two of you were teleported back at the house. You were on the couch and sans went upstairs to his room.

Your shaking still hadn't subsided and slowly you reached your hand up to your neck and winced feeling the small bruise that was forming.

You weren't shaking because of the fear that you would die , no you were shaking because you were afraid that he would actually hurt you and it saddened you. But what did you expect right, you made a threat.

You felt tears springing to your eyes and jumped when your heard an explosion in the kitchen. You looked at the source to see smoke coming out the kitchen. You heard a door slam upstairs and looked to see G running downstairs into the kitchen.

"What happened!?" He asked

"OH NOTHING BROTHER WE JUST FINISHED COOKING DINNER!!" papyrus smiled and Frisk looked a bit stunned at the sudden explosion.

You looked away from the group and fixed your hair so it hid the bruises. You decided it was the perfect distraction so you could slip out of the house.

You got up and quietly made your way to the door opening it and closing it softly. You then ran through the snow taking a different path that had another do that looked like it lead to the ruins but was locked.

You went inside the cave and rested your back against the door letting out a breath. It was suffocating for you, just being in that house with them, it was like a never ending torture knowing you couldn't do anything.

You began to calm down your shaking stopping and you relaxed.

"Heh heh" you growled hearing the laughter of the psychotic flower.

"Leave me alone you pesky weed" you snarled at it

"Is that anyway to treat someone who can help you"

"I don't need any help from the likes of you, I already know what your about!"

"Really? I saw what happened back there, you just want him to love you back but he doesn't, he loves frisk, that's why you reset all those times, if you ask me that's a foolish reason to reset."

"It sure as hell beats resetting to kill because your curious...because you can't feel anything"

Flowey hissed at me

"I hope you know the reason I haven't tried to kill you yet is because you can reset and is useful to me otherwise I would kill you right now"

You froze when you heard that, it would be bad if he knew you couldn't reset anymore.

"Well, I'll take my leave now, you should think carefully about this yn"
Flowey grinned then dissapeared

I was relieved he was finally gone, I wasn't sure what his big plan was about but I knew it involved everyone getting killed and I wanted no part in that.

I closed my eyes relaxing, I decided to hide out here for awhile I had enough gold pieces to buy food when I needed it. Soon I ended up falling asleep having a dream.


"Where the hell is she!?" G questioned looking around everywhere for you

He didn't trust you and he didn't want to leave you out of his sights, he didn't know what could happen and what you would do. Especially after the threat you had made. You were right, he wouldn't be able to do anything to really stop you as long as you could reset but that doesn't mean he was gonna let you go off and do what you want.

G walked around snowdin looking but didn't had a clue.


Your dreaming but the dream was weird it was really weird.

Everything was falling apart rocks the floor was breaking and falling down you didn't know what was going on but you were scared. You see a rock fall from the ceiling falling right beside you causing the ground to crack beneath you the world glitches before your eyes. You ran desperately you looked off to your side to see frisk running also with a worried expression on her face, the ground fell beneath the both if you sending you to the lava pits below.

You shot up awake panting and sweating. You clenched your head in pain it pounded in your skull. You let out a scream your eyes darting around as the memory from the dream stayed in your mind, everything continued to glitch as you thought about it and soon the memory of the dream turned into static, the noise was so loud in your head you screamed again.


"AHHHHH!!" G heard you scream and teleported to where the sound came from he looked around  and spotted a cave. G went inside the cave to see you huddled holding head.

"Make...make..it stop" you muttered

G walked up to you carefully a kneeled down

"Make..it.stop.... Make the noise stop"

G lifted your head, but your eyes didn't focus on him it was like you were seeing something else. You screamed again and your soul came out.

It repeatedly glitches over and over the cracks seemed to spread but it didn't take down your health.

G then held you up straight and you seemed to freeze finally acknowlging someone else was with you. You blinked  trying to focus until you saw G in front if you.

You stayed like that both of you for awhile until you actually caught yourself and scooted away from him. You were sweating and panting and your face was red.

"D..don't t...touch me!" You stuttered out finally speaking

G looked at you surprised and the look went away as he looked at you seriously. He only went forward and held you by the shoulder and put his hands to your head.

You had a fever, you tried to push G away but you realized you were to weak.

"I said don't t..touch me" you said again but G ignored you.

"Let's go" G said getting you up but you refused.

"No I'm n..not going" you weakly glared at G but G wasn't going to take jo for an answer.

He pulled you up to your feet surprising you a bit and you stood as your legs wobbled a bit threatining to give out on you.

You let out a breath , it frosting in the cool air and suddenly you collapsed but G caught you. G held you bridal style and he teleported to the house with you in hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2017 ⏰

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