Part 4

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A few days had passed and Cas developed the taste of honey. And he loved it. He put it on his bread and even used it to sweet his tea. One afternoon he sat in the library with Sam and Kevin. When he got thirsty he got up and prepared a pot of tea for the three of them. When he returned he gave both of them a cup, they were relly thankful. Soon the whole library had the scnet of tea with honey. Dean entered the library and immediately began to cough. „Oh my god, what is that smell?", he pinched his nose and tried not to throw up. „I guess the tea, Dean. With honey in it, it just tastes a whole lot better. Why what's so bad about it?", Cas asked a little worried. Meanwhile Sam seemed to remind something. „I knew you didn't like honey !", he exclaimed loudly „now I remember it was because of that one time you tried to make me ginger bread in one of those crappy motels Dad left us at over christmas and you needed to heat the honey and the whole motel smelled like it and you threw up the whole night. As I think about it, that was a really nice thing to do Dean, thanks." „Yeah but it wasn't a really nice thing remebering me of throwing up, Sammy. I gotta go", Dean stormed out of the library and into the nearest bathroom where he knelt in front oft he toilet and tried to breathe deeply. After a few seconds he heard a knock at the door. „Dean, is everything alright? Can I come in?", Cas asked through the closed bathroom door. Dean had to smile. Cas was the only person asking if he could join another man in the bathroom and not getting that it was weird. „Yeah, come on in", he said. His elbows where on the toilet bowl and his head rested in his hands. He still tried to even his breath. „I'm so sorry, Dean", Cas apologized. Dean huffed a laugh. „That's not your fault you know that right? I mean how could you possibly be responsibly for me getting sick when i smell hot honey?" „I guess i can't", Cas assumed. „See. So you don't need to apologize. Besides I got you the honey so you can eat it or drink it or whatever. Don't feel guilty about it you hear me?" Cas nodded and Dean needed to cough again. Immediatly Cas was beside him and had a hand on Dean's back. „I'm alright, Cas. I almost got the scent out of my nose", he slowly stood up from the floor „Just warn me the next time your drinking tea so I can hide in my room, promise?" „Promise", Cas said laughing a little. They left the bathroom and Dean went to his room to take a nap. But all he could think about was Cas' hand resting on his back and how he cared for him. Dean didn't know how to handle his feelings anymore. He could barely admit to himself that he was in love with Castiel, a man, an ex angel of the Lord, goddamnit. How could he possibly admit it to Cas? And even if he could, what would happen then? Would Cas return his feelings? Would he reject him? Hate him? Or worst of all, leave him? No, he definetly couldn't take that risk. He wouldn't even start thinking about what could happen if Sammy found out... Dean took a deep breath and buried his head in his pillow. Not long ago his problems were the apocalypse or the darkness threatening to destroy the whole world and now it was dealing with his romantic feelings towards his best friend and worrying what everyone will think about it if they found out. And if he was true to himself, Dean didn't even know which of those problems scared him more. Monsters were easy, love definetly wasn't. He played some AC/DC to get his head clear and slowly drifted into an uneven sleep.

The next morning he felt better. Mostly because the Bunker wasn't filled with the scent of hot honey. Dean went into the kitchen to pour himself a cup of coffee when he noticed Cas already being there. „Morning Cas", he greeted his friend. „Good morning, Dean. Are you feeling better?", Cas asked, still concerned about him. „I'm good, Cas. Thanks." He poured himself some coffee and sat down at the table with Cas who was holding a cup of tea between his hands. „Didn't you promise me to warn me when you are drinking tea again just yesterday?", he asked Cas, raising an eyebrow. „Well, first of all I couldn't have known you'd show up this early in the morning. I mean, I could have woken you just to tell you but I thought that would be stupid", Cas explained „and second this tea is with sugar. I don't want you to hide away only so I am able to drink my tea. Thanks for the offer, but I'd rather have you around", he took a sip of his tea and smiled at Dean who smiled back happier than ever before. Dean Winchester didn't knew much about love. 'But maybe' , he thought 'maybe giving up on something you really enjoy for someone else comes near love'.

So that was Part 4. Tell me what you think! Thanks for reading.

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