Sleepless Dreams

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It was dark..... very dark. I knew this darkness well. As it got closer to my birthday, these dreams happened more and more. "Wake up~" What? "Todays the day sweetheart, it's time to open those pretty lil eyes of yours and wake up!" I don't remember voices in the dark..... whose there? who are you!? "Don't worry Graci-ERICA!! Erica wake up! You have school!" The darkness lifted as I opened my eyes to see my mother looking down at me. "You have to get ready now or you'll miss the bus!" WHAT! I looked at the clock to see I had only thirty minutes to get ready and jumped right out of bed. "Sh-okay, okay" I shoved my mom out of the room and locked the door. What to wear, what to wear..... I rummaged through my closet and just threw on a random pair of jeans, a black tanktop, and my MCR hoodie. Grabbing my brush, I ran into the bathroom. I set the brush to the side and reached for my toothbrush, glancing at my reflection. I couldn't help but freezing..... That's not me..... The girl in the reflection had black hair with white bangs hanging over her right eye..... her left eye purple. I gasped and blinked, rubbing my eyes. That's not right. And it wasn't, when I looked again, there I was, my wavy, not-yet-brushed, brown hair and eyes, with blonde bangs, not white. "God that weird dream and then this? WTF did I take last night?..... Stop talking to yourself Erica, gotta get ready for school." And so I did, I managed to get done right before the bus got here.  i tripped and fell down the stairs..... (it's faster ok?) and made it on time. Good job me!

The bus was slow, it's always slow though. I don't really mind it being slow since I usually fall asleep, except I didn't fall asleep. I couldn't fall asleep at all, not even with soft music box songs playing on my headphones.  Eventually we got to school, even with such a long, boring ride. Understandable, yet un-needed information, skip along narrator, oh wait..... that me. Oops.

Violet is always someone to look forward to at school, she seems to be the only one who hates it as much as I do. She has that emo style as well, it's pretty cool.
"Hey! Over hear Eri!" And there she is. "Sup Violet, hope life hasn't been to unbearable with out the fabulous mwah~" I walk over to her and make a royal like gesture, receiving a hug. "Yeah, yeah queen, I couldn't bare a sing moment away from such beauty~" Ah, gotta love this girl. "Pfft, like 'this' is something you can even stand bein near."
"Gotta love ya anyway cause who else would love such a monstrosity like you, Eri~" I hate her, but love her. No homo tho. Wrapping her arm over my shoulder, we walk on to class since the bell was about to ring. "At lunch, I have something to tell ya, weird dreams and all that junk ya know V?" "Mhm, I got ya Eri."
Lunch, like always, had nothing really good to eat so I just sat at an empty table and picked at my food. She takes forever sometimes..... At the though of her, she appeared, walking to the table with some burnt looking..... thing. "Hey V, whats taking so long?" I asked as she grew near. "I asked them to make it, what ever it is, extra burnt, the dogs like it better when it has some flavor," she responded in a joking tone. "Now what's this dream you wanted to talk anout Eri?" She sat and picked at her food in a similar, idle, unhungry way. "Well..... It started like normal, complete darkness, but this time there was someone in the darkness, talking to me, telling me to wake up. Unless it knows that I have school, what else would I wake up for?" She looked at me and thought for a minute. "Eri, you need to stop watching so much anime. You were probably dreaming of something that happened in one of 'em." Was I? "Yeah you're probably right V."

Nothing eventful happened after, so I went home bored as can be. When I walk in it was very quiet, like suspiciously quite. At least I though it was suspicious untill I saw the note on the kitchen table saying that they went to go shopping. "Yes! I get the tv!" I rushed to the living room and got comfy on the couch switching to the chamnel I normally watch. "Hello~ I see you're still sleeping. Didn't I tell you to wake up, little Nightshade~" "Gah!" I jumped awake. W-who was that? I didn't have much time to think since I got a call from mom. I reluctantly picked up the phone, "Hello?"
     "Hi dear, we're stuck in a bit of trafic and will be late so go ahead and make yourself dinner." A "little" late. "Alright, see ya when that 'little bit' of trafic is done with." I sighed as I hung up the phone. We never have family dinners anymore, how could we if they're never home? And with my freedom, I ate microwave pizza. yep, they make that. "Oh meh gog, it has been a long, uneventful day..... if I sleep maybe something will happen..... " I turned off the tv before heading to my room and didn't even bother changing into pajamas, instead I went right to sleep.
I shouldn't have gone to sleep! In the dark I saw it, two red eyes staring at me and a gleaming evil smile. "Who are you?" I ask in fear..... "Oh darling~ I am a part of you~ I am something in you that recently woke up, now we just need the rest of you to open their eyes~" Once again, I jump awake, looking at the clock, I see only thirty minutes have past..... I don't think I'll be getting very much sleep as of now. "Sssssiiiiiggggghhhhh."

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