Blind Hatred

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     I don't know who I felt worse for, myself or the people who kidnapped me.  They couldn't see the whispering shadows like I could, they couldn't hear them like I could. 
     "Hello sunshine", spoke one of the men watching me.  He moved to where I could see him with a cruel smile.  He had stubble on his face, a black shirt covered with a jean jacket, old looking blue jeans, and a pair of worn out boots on.  He wasn't very terrifying in my opinion, but who am I to judge. 
     "We got some fun planned out for ya' lil' lady,  heh", his voice reminded me of a drunk man I spoke too once that kept saying that the world was ending.  He honesty was the least worse thing that's been in my life. 
     "What kinda fun? It doesn't have anything to do with turning some light on, does it?" I say half hearted.  I didn't have the patience for any of this, I just wanted out of this dark place. 
     It made him chuckle as he took a knife from his pocket, slowly stepped closer to me and leaned down.  I made sure not to let fear show on my face,bur I think he knew that I expected pain.  Instead he cut the ropes off my wrist that I didn't even notice.  Eventually pain did pop its head onto the event.
     "Well how nice of you", He didn't find that as funny, actually I don't think even heard me as he threw me against the wall as hard as he could.  "What are you after? Money? Some ransom? My parents are dead and I didn't bring my wallet. Sorry guys", I gasp lightly as I speak, trying to catch my breathe again after having is slammed out of me and into the wall.
     "Nah sunshine, we just want some fun", and with that, he shoved the knife through my shoulder, causing me to gasp, but I wouldn't let myself scream. I don't know what's worse, the blood staining my clothes, the bloody pain in my freakin shoulder, or the pain he felt when I threw my good arm back and slammed his nose with my elbow.  With a grunt, I turned around with an even crueler smile as I got to see the blood dripping from his now broken nose, but the joy didn't last as more men stepped into sight and ran at me.  I wasn't a big martial artist, I could NOT fight 2 people at once, much less 20.  I didn't have anywhere to run either and once again there was darkness. 
     "I'm taking over, princess", spoke the familiar voice that belonged tk the red pair of glowing eyes in my dreams.  "Humans really need to learn THEIR PLACE! HAHAHA!"
     There was silence for a little bit before a gentle voice spoke.  "Do not worry, they do not deserve our kindness, if they were smarter, they would live.  It is their fault, not yours."
     The darkness subsided after a while, I didnt open my eyes, I didn't need too.  My eyes were already open, but I only just now started to control them.  The new holes in the ceiling allowed some light to slip in.  The sun was setting, the sky was a pretty light red, and the room was a dark, bloody red.
    Every man I saw earlier was in complete shreds.  The room was filled with the scent of blood and that gruesome smell of death.  As I looked around more and more, I realised none of the sticky, red matter was on my clothes, or around me.  A large circle of blank flooring surrounded me, and the whispering shadows were gone. 
     I didn't understand what happened, but something most definitely felt different.  My right eye felt like I wasn't controlling it.  It felt like someone else was looking through it with a gleeful smile, and it felt terrible, evil almost.  I had to get out, and I did.  Barely any blood stained my shoes as I reach the door  sitting on the other side of the red ocean that now filled the area.  The event that had recently happened finally hit me like a train, and I couldn't help but feel sick, I HAD to get out NOW. 
     I slammed the warehouse doors open and busted into an adrenaline filled run, no plan of where to go, but no matter how fast I ran, the thoughts stayed.  The image of a red eyed me kept filling my head.  A cruel smile and hands raising to the height of my shoulders as shadows ripped heads and limbs apart from their hosts.   The most impressionable feeling was from the eyes themselves, it wasn't the terror someone would feel from seeing such a massacre, but it was an incredible hatred comming from eyes I wished to tear out from the skull itself. 
     Before I realized it, the moon was hovering high above me.  I wasnt even sure what street I was on.  I was running blindly with the event stiring in my mind as clear as day.  I didn't see it myself, that I was sure of, the details were third person, like I was off to the side, watching my evil self control the dark figures. 
     Now, I finally take the time to look around with my own eyes, my own body, and my own awareness.  I slow to a walk and move from one street to another until I reach somewhere familiar, and from there, home.  I didn't want to go in, but I felt like I needed too. 
     Like I was in some trance, I move into my house, closing the door, and up to my bathroom.  For what feels like forever, I stare into the eyes I now felt afraid of, not so much the left as I did the right.  It wasn't mine anymore, it was hers.  The murderous girl in my head.  I couldn't stand how it felt to look at the eye that was so cold, so cruel.  It felt so wrong to have it in my skull, so I felt an incredible erge to extract it.  I searched the house for a lighter, scissors, and an ice-cream scoop.  It didn't feel like enough, so I found where my parents kept the ligour and brought a bottle of what I felt was the strongest, along with everything else, up to my bathroom.  I didn't have the will to stop myself from what I was about to do.
     I downed the alcohol until I felt like it was enough, looked into the mirror and spoke the one thing I could think of, "Goodbye."  With a deep breathe, I stuck the scoop into the creves above the sphere of my right eye and proceeded to push slowly until a grotesque pop sounded, and blood trickled down my cheek like warm tears.  With my free, left hand, I grab the scissors, being as careful as possible not to drop the eyeball from the bloodied eyes-cream scoop, and snip the cord that attached it to the brain.  Just as expected, the right side of my vision grew dark.
     A second of fear flows through me as I quickly wonder if I remember to sterilize the items used, but I notice the burns under the bloodied equipment, as well as the pain.  I put everything in the sink and turn on the water, then stumble downstairs to look for a first-aid kit.   Before I make it even a few steps into the livingroom, I pass out for the thousandth time in my life story.
     The eyes, four of them looked at me.  Two red, two purple, and all staring with a questioning look.
     "Was it necessary to cause yourself such pain over such trauma?  Do you hate me that much?" I knew the voice came from the red eyes.  She had a small smirk as she came into view.  She wore a white tanktop and black jeans with shoes that seemed to be Converse.  Her hair was white as snow with tips done blood red, including blood colored bangs covering her left eye about half way. It sent shivers down my spine.
     "Those eyes were blinded anyways, so who really cares. Once that second one pops, you'll see a whole new world I bet!"  Laughed the girl with white. 
     "Calm yourself  Satare, you're scaring the poor girl", Spoke the gentle girl with purple eyes.  When she showed herself, she had tannish skin and dark brown hair with just the very ends done dark purple, hair push behind her ears so that it doesn't cover her face.  The Satare girl stood out with her pale skin and red ends and bangs against more pale white.  They looked completely different, even clothing wise as well.   The darker girl wore glasses and a black and white, horizontally stripped, long sleeved shirt that fit perfectly around her figure, along with normal jeans with only socks on.  She looks like a normal person besides her eyes.  Especially next to the girl who looks like she came out of a horror movie. 
     The gentle one seemed to notice my staring and chuckled, "All will be explained in the near future, once you've truly awaken."  With those final words from such a beautifully, calming voice, reality had struck, along with the pain from the right side of my face, my shoulder and a head ache left from the liquor I drank to ease the pain for the "surgery". 
     "Finally awake", comes a familiar voice, sided with feelings of confusion and a small dose of fear as I look at them with my single seeing eye.

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