A Whole New World

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I couldn't quite understand. Maybe it was all the pain in my head and shoulders, but there was Violet. She looked just like always expect for the wings comming out of her back, or maybe it was her black eyes, and I don't mean iris, I mean her whole freakin eyeballs. "I must have some super migraine", I say, trying not to acknowledge everything as I attempt to sit up. "Why are you even here?"
She smile, fangs..... "To show you what you truly are." She lifted me up and brought me to the bathroom, sitting me down on my feet in front of the mirror.
I couldn't believe it. No, I wouldn't believe it. My skin, pale. My hair, black with white bangs. My eyes, my right covered in bandages and my left was an indescribable purple hue. That wasn't the hard part though, coming from my back, out of my right shoulder was a pure black wing. When I looked over my shoulder though, there was nothing, but I could feel pain resonating throughout both my shoulders, that explained why I couldn't tell which was stabbed with out looking. I was stabbed in the back of my left shoulder while this weird wing thing sent pain through my right. It hurt like it just grew from the bones that were there, like it ripped apart my skin as it bursted out into existence. Still, as I look, there was no wing, nor was the hair in my face black and white. The mirror showed it, but my own sight did not.
"W-what's going on!?", I struggled to get the worlds out correctly. I was confused and honestly, a little afriad. This have to be some effect from hitting my head to hard, right? Yeah, that's it, its just a hallucination. Yep, totally believable, breath, breath.
I looked at her, my eye giving way to how I felt as I searched her own for answers. I found nothing of the sorte.
"You are seeing the truth. You are no Rosewood. You are a Nightshade!" She said with so much pride in her voice, I just couldn't understand. "A-a what?" I question her, hoping shed go into more detail. She did. "A Nightshade, a fragment of a great and long forgotten spirit. With great sorrow, she fell mellenias ago and split into three fragments inorder to keep the spirit from corruption, and fell here on earth and to keep balance. Now keep in mind she didn't do it of her own will.....", she went on, lecturing me about this spirit person to the point that I it all tuned out. It was too much to take in at once and I just couldn't understand. I made an attempt to simplify it and cut her off from her lecture to make sure I had it right.
"So let me get this straight. I, a girl who's never done anything, no achievements or anything, am a part of this spirit thingy?" It felt stupid to ask, but it was easier to ask about that than to think of why I looked so different in the mirror.
"Exactly right, even if it's anime logic, this is your reality. Now, then, you still need your rest. Back to bed." She picked my up again and carried my to bed. "Before you sleep, lets take care of those wounds", she states as she carefully removes my bandaging from my shoulder and eye.
As my right eye gets uncovered, things got even weirder. From the darkness from where the vision of my right eye would be, if still there, were white outlines. Not outlines of some monster, but it was everything in my room, like someone drew half of everything I saw with a white pen on black paper and the other half was colored realism.
I decided to pay no attention to it and focus and the one comfort I've learned. I am A Nightshade. A. One out of multiple. I am not the only one. I am not alone.

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