Warning Sign

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    It was a long night of falling asleep and waking up.  The weird dream demon kept showing up and telling me to wake up, and by the end of the night we were both super annoyed.  The last conversation went something like: "Oh come on! don't come back until you're fully awaken!"
   "What is that even suppose to mean, you crazy dream demon!?"
   "It means what it means, now be gone with you, I need my beauty sleep."
   Yep, no sleep for me.  Anyways, no matter how tired I am, I still have school so..... cue the alarm.....  Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep. 

"Ugh..... " Reluctantly, I get up and begin my morning routine, then head for the door. I take a moment to pause, I didn't really sleep at all, so I should have heard my parent come home last night..... Bang Bang Bang! I stop questioning it and open up the door, and that question was answered.  "I swear what ever it is, I didn't do it!" I said quickly on reflex.
   It was a police officer, he had bags under his eyes and his hair was a mess, it made him seem even more tired by how he spoke.  In a grim tone he asked me, "Are you Erikantella Marcel Rosewood?"
   "Um, yeah....." I've read plenty of books to know that this wasn't going to be good.
   "I'm sorry to inform you, but your parents were found last night dead in a car.  It is suspected to have been a hit and run from the crash like damage to the vehicle.  There was an envelope found with your name on it as well. " He spoke in that slow, grim, tired way as he pulled out the envelope and handed in to me.  It had blood splattered all over it and a little wax seal with three Xs on it, all connected and forming a daimond shape in the center.  My hands were trembling as I took it, I could not do anything, but look away from it and look towards the police officer as he tilts his cap to me and leaves.  "N-no..... this can't be happening..... " 
   I sat down on the couch, no matter how much I didn't want to, I had to open the letter..... and so I did. 
   "Dear Erikantella, I regret to inform you of this so soon, but it's time to stop living in this dream and wake up to your reality.  But be warned.  They'll catch you, and you'll end up just like your parents, in a bloody, almost unrecognizable state.
Ta-ta little Nightshade~ XXX"
    I couldn't breathe, my head was spinning, and I passed out.

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