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Person A is known to have depression, but has never gone so far as to attempt suicide. One night after an alarming 'goodbye' text to Person B, they run to their house to find the door locked. After finally managing to get in (this can be decided by the writer) they eventually find Person A collapsed, only half conscious with an empty bottle of pills in their hand. Person B, not having time to call poison control or 911, tries to get Person A to throw up the pills. 

Ship: Lams

• Alex is A, John is B

• So Alex has depression and severe anxiety and John knows this and it's usually manageable

• But Alex had been feeling super guilty about "burdening" John

• One night John gets a text from Alex that's like

• "I'm such a disappointment. I'm sorry. You won't have to deal with me anymore. Goodbye."

• So John instantly like jumps up and runs to Alex's apartment

• The door is locked and John uses the entire weight of his body to break it down

• He gets it open finally after a few tries

• He runs in and sees Alex with his empty pill bottle and he's barely there

• John realizes it's too late to call anyone and he goes up to Alex and is sobbing like


• and Alex is barely awake to process it

• So John just sticks his fingers as far back as he can in Alex's throat

• He keeps doing this and feels terrible for the pain he's clearly causing his boyfriend, but it's the only thing he can do to save him

• Eventually Alex vomits but there's barely anything in it because he's been starving himself

• Then John calls 911

• After hours of waiting the doctors tell him the news that Alex will live

• Alex has to go through a huge recovery, but John is there the entire time

• I couldn't make this sad

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