Chapter 4

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"Mitch." I breathed as his lips trailed down my cheek to my neck. He kissed and bit at my neck as I let out a soft moan. I put my head to side to give him more access. He ran his tongue down from my pelvis point to my cleavage.
I gasped and pulled at his hair, making a small groan leave his lips. He looked at my eyes licking his lips, then slowly inched towards my lips. His lips slowly grazed mine in a sweet matter. "God I want you so bad." He whispered against my mouth. I smiled and leaned in, our lips begin to touch-
I gasped and shot forward out of the bed. I clenched my fist as I replayed my dream. I looked to my left to see no one there, but a note there instead. I grabbed it and it read,
I'm outside chopping some wood. I left you some clothes in the closet to change into for today.
I sighed and got out of bed, and headed to the closet. I opened it to see some brown combat boots, light skinny jeans and a red flannel.
I quickly put the clothes on and went to the restroom. I decided to braid my hair, so I did. After about ten minutes of braiding, I wash my face and find a unopened toothbrush and use it. I made sure that my necklace is still around my neck, which it is.
I went into the kitchen and got out a orange and a bottle of water. I then headed out back to where Mitch was. He is in jeans, and a long sleeve, maroon shirt that fit perfectly to his muscles. I watched as he swung the ax down hard onto the log.
I saw his strong arms tense and how his lip was between his teeth.
I slowly approached him and he stopped, focusing on me.
"Good morning." He said in a stern voice.
"Morning." I said back. "So, where are we going today."
"You'll see." I signed and walked towards him, "Can I help? You shouldn't even be doing that with your shoulder." He eyed me and smirked. He pushed the ax in my hands winking. I blushed a crimson red as I grabbed a hold on the ax.
I looked at him with wide eyes and slowly said, "So, I just...swing down." He shrugged smirking at me.
That goddamn smirk.
I slowly lift up the ax over my head, and swung it down. It hit the log and instantly stopped. My hands stung at the impact so I whimpered in pain.
I looked at Mitch to see him laughing, so I naturally flicked him off. "What are you laughing at? You knew I wasn't strong enough, what are you, made of rock!" I yelled rubbing my hands. He laughed more and I soon found myself smiling. I pushed him by the shoulder and decided to sit on the ground and watch him.
He looked at me in the corner of his eye but then kept chopping wood. We stayed like that for a while, me on the ground and him chopping the wood, until finally his phone went off.
He instantly grabbed his phone out of his pocket and pressed it to his ear saying, "Hello."
Someone began speaking at the other end while Mitch's face became angry.
"Hurley you know I can't do that." Mitch said in a strained voice. "She isn't ready."
Mitch took his hand through his hair and scratched his growing scruff. I licked my lips and pushed my thighs together, getting hot and bothered by his small action. Mitch ended the call with a scowl on his face.
I stood up when Mitch started walking towards the house.
"What's wrong." I asked but Mitch ignored me, and headed inside the house with me in pursuit. He went to the bedroom and pulled a metal case from underneath the bed.
He put in a code to the case and it clicked open. I gasped at the different weapons inside it. I knew a few of what they were. Two SIG Pro semi-automatic pistols, a MG36 assault rifle, and a few tactical knives. Now I now the reason why Sadie had me memorize every military weapon of the upper classes.
"Mitch? What is happening?" I say quietly as he closes the case, standing up and running his hand through his hair.
"We have to leave." Mitch walks pass me and downstairs, with me in pursuit of him. He quickly grabs a few things from different cabinets and puts them in a bag he got from the counter. He then goes to one wall the has two car keys hanging on it and picks one.
"Let's go." He tells me without making eye contact and walks past me again.
I roll my eyes and follow him again. We both exit the house and I follow him as he heads towards the garage. He pulls the latch at the bottom up with ease and my eyes widen again.
There is another black Range Rover in the garage and it's just like his other car. I go to the passengers side as he unlocks the car, getting in as well. Once we are both secure in the front seats, he starts the car and takes off.
After a while I decide to turn on some music. As I go to turn the radio on Mitch's hand grabs mine and he says, "We need to talk."
Heat runs throughout my arm as I slightly blush. He then let's go of my hand and I drop mine on my lap.
"Ok?" I say crossing my arms and glare at him. "Enlighten me, Mr. Rapp." Mitch growls under his breathe and I see his hands tighten on the steering wheel.
"Don't call me that." He says under his breathe as his jaw clenched. I scoff and he turns his head to give me a small glare. He continues, "Three years ago I was recruited to the CIA as a assassin for Black Opps after my fiancé was killed in a terrorist attack. I have been investigating terrorists attacks on the military as well as civilians.
"My mission is to keep you safe from terrorists that have killed both your parents during an undercover mission to assassinate Taahir el-Zaki. He's a terrorist leader that has Turkish agents gone rogue on his side to kill any connections to the CIA.
"The necklace you are wearing is made of a rare gem that they want. They know that your parents were the ones with the gem and now they know you have it. That is why he is after you, Sadie. And I will do anything in my power to protect you."
My eyes have a few tears as I take in this information. Now I know the truth and why Stacy was always so protective of me. I'm being hunted by terrorists.
"Holy shit." I whisper as I let my head fall onto the seat behind me. "I'm being targeted."
I'm sorry I haven't posted anything on this in a while. I know a lot of you wanted me to update, so here it is.
If you want to you could check out my other book 'Goodbye, Stiles', 'The Internship', and 'In The Scorch'. 💞

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