Chapter 12

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Yelling surrounds me as I come back to my conscious state. I try and move but restraints hold me down. I slowly open my eyes, darkness taking over my vision and a blinding light burns my eyes, my head pulsing. I groan but it's muffled by a rag wrapped around my head, covering my mouth.
Only then, as come back to my senses I feel the throbbing pain on the side of my head. Memories of what happened come back and fear takes over me. I feel the blood trickling down my face, feeling both disgusting and uncomfortable in the wooden chair.
"She's awake." My head turns to a man in all black, a gun in his hand. He has a Turkish accent, and it felt like my heart dropped to my stomach. I then look around the room to see about four men. One of them stands in front of me, the only one not wearing all black.
He has short, almost buzzed hair, and scruff surrounding his face, a smirk present on his features. He is an American, I can tell that much.
"Well, about time sleeping beauty." His voice is deep and scratchy, a hint of arrogance in his tone. He stalks towards me, and that's when I notice the big gash on his face, running from his forehead down and over his eye and stops on his cheek. He catches me looking and a menacing laugh leaves his lips.
"Oh this little scar," he points to it, running his fingers over it, "you'll have to ask your boyfriend about this one day." His jaw clenches and his eyes run darker, walking towards me before pulling the rag out of my mouth. "If that day ever comes."
"Mitch is going to f-find me." My voice sounds frail and weak, cracking slightly that makes me cringe internally. He just cackles, an unsettling sound, and kneels in front of me.
"Where's the necklace." He studied my face and I avoid his gaze, confusion striking me. I don't remember taking it off unless...Mitch did. I look back at him, looking into his cold stare. My eyes hold fire and intensity.
"I don't know." A stinging pain goes to my face and a small cry leaves my lips, him slapping me harshly. He pulls my head back by my hair, as his face is close to mine.
"Bullshit!" Another slap goes to my face and tears escape my eyes. Luckily for me, the door behind him opens harshly. Another man steps inside, a hijab wrapped around his head only showing his face.
"Ghost, I can take it from here." The man has a extremely strong accent, almost unable to understand him. My eyes snap to the man named Ghost and my mouth goes dry. He's the one Mitch as told me about, the stories of when he almost killed thousands with a nuke. But here he is, standing in front of me.
Ghost looks over at him, and nods walking out the door the four men following, and closing it behind them.
The man in front of me looks at me for a few seconds, before bringing a chair from the corner to the front of me. I watch as he sizes me up, clasping his hands together.
"You must be Addie." He doesn't say it as a question, more of a statement. I don't say anything, not wanting to talk. "My name is Taahir el-Zaki." When I hear his name, it was like a trigger went off. I thrashed in my place, rage coursing through my body.
"You son of a bitch! You killed my parents! You-you killed-" a angry cry left my lips, frustration taking over my body. This time sadness takes over me, sobs come out of my throat suddenly, my bottom lip trembling.
"Where is the necklace." His voice is cold and void of emotion. I keep crying, but more of a distraction than it is real. I take in my observations, looking for a way out or a weapon. I twist my wrists from side to side, trying to get it as loose as possible. I watch his face, annoyance clear on it, him not having a clue what I'm doing.
I study his posture, he's way too comfortable, so I'll have a advantage when I break free.
A metal object catches my eye from the corner of the room, and relief strikes me when I see a gun. The rope loosens on my wrists, knowing if I pull hard enough they will break.
"I'm going to ask you one more time. Where. Is. The. Necklace!" He stares at me with an angry expression, but I just smirk. His eyebrow raises slightly, confusion on his face.
"Go to hell." I snarl at him, pulling my hands away and breaking the rope. Before he can process anything, I jump out of the wooden chair and quickly grab it. I swing the chair at his head, hitting him and he falls to the ground unconscious.
"What the hell was that?" A voice sounds from outside the door. Panicking I quickly grab the chair he was sitting on and put it underneath the door handle, locking the door as well. I grab the gun just as the door handle starts to jiggle.
"Hey! Taahir is everything okay?" A man yells as I look around for a way out. A small window is in the corner of the room, but I wouldn't be able to fit in it. Yelling sounds from the other side of the room as banging comes from the other side of the door.
"Oh god!" I whisper harshly to myself, there being no way out of the room. "I'm going to die..."


It's been exactly five hours since Addie was taken, and there was no leads so far. I can't help but blame myself for her getting taken. After she was gone I found her necklace, the one that caused all this trouble, at the nightstand of our bed.
Which wasn't a good sign because without it they would torture her for answers that she didn't have. Anger came back to surface and I punched my car steering wheel, a growl leaving my lips.
A ringing sound cuts me out of my thoughts as my phone starts to blare. I quickly grab it, seeing it's Stan. Anxiety fills me as I slowly answer it.
"I've found your car keys..." Relief washes through me, using code to make sure no one understands our conversations.
"Where are my keys?" My voice is hoarse as I speak, not realizing I haven't talked in hours.
"B-Z-A-N-T-Q-F...Avenue, C-D, U-D-Q-C-T-M." I instantly recognize it as Augustus Code, translating it to Cabourg Avenue De Verdun. That's just on the north coast of Paris.
"Thank you." My voice is shaky as I speak, all my stress washing away. I hang up and put in the directions, taking off instantly.


I hold the gun up to the door, almost squeezing the trigger as my hand shakes slightly. The door is about to burst open, leaving me to contemplate what I'm going to do. I run to the side of the door, pulling the gun close to my chest waiting for the door to open.
With one final kick, the door flies to the ground, and two men step in the room. I quickly shoot without thinking, hitting both in the chest as the fall to the ground with a grunt.
Another man charges in, swinging at me wildly. I duck quickly, eyes widening at the size of the man and how he leaves a dent in the wall. He turns to me and charges, me not reacting in time as my back makes contact with the wall.
The wind gets knocked out me and I let go of the gun. He brings both of his hands to my neck, chocking me. I gasp and hit at him, trying to get him to let go. My head begins to pound, lungs feel like they're going to collapse as my vision starts to get blurry.
My last resort I throw my knee up, kicking him in the groin. He lets go, grabbing his lower region and I scramble to get the gun. As I grab it, he pulls my leg from underneath me making me fall to the ground.
He pins me down, pulling my body up and slamming me back into the ground. Everywhere hurts as I lay there helpless, being thrown like a rag doll.
Once I can barely move, he grabs the gun pointing it at my head. Tears well in my eyes, knowing this is it. I stare into his cold rat like eyes as he points the gun between my eyes. I clench my eyes shut waiting for the bullet.
A gunshot rings in my ears, making me jump, but it didn't hit me. The mans body falls on top of me, and I gasp, quickly pushing him off me. I turn my head to my savior and a small sob of happiness leaves my throat. Mitch stands there, but he doesn't move towards me, just standing there, fear evident in his face. That's when I notice the person behind him, gun pointing at his head.
"It's been a while, Mitch." Ghost says, a demonic smile on his face.

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