The Problems Of A Superhero

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   Chat looked through the window and huffed under his breath. Felix should be getting a shower right about now, according to Nathalie's model-life plan she had laid out for them. But no, of course not. He was, instead, watching something on his phone.

(Yes, this is what the famous and rich Felix does in his free time.)

   Ah, there. He walked off to the walk-in shower. As soon as the door closed, Chat opened the window and dropped in. Plagg flew out of his ring as he landed.

   "Ohh, Adriiieeenn, I'm so tiiirreedd.....I think I need extra Camembert tonight.."

   "Sorry, bud. One wheel. That was our plan, remember? Besides, this thing is freaking twice your size."

   "Kwamis have special abilities, and with that comes special needs." Plagg retorted, but huffed and flew up the rock-climbing wall to Adrien's "room". 

   "Special needs is right," Adrien said under his breath. He followed Plagg up the wall and hopped into the swivel chair in front of his computer. Wiggling the mouse, he brought the monitor back to life, showing an open tab of the Ladyblog. Playing through the newest video with disinterest, his mind started to wander. Aside from the normal, ever-present wondering of who Ladybug was, there were new suspicions about the newest addition to the team. He didn't like her being on the team; he expected it to just always be him and Ladybug.

   Adrien sighed as the video replayed everything that had went on while he'd been knocked out. He watched with sudden interest as she took out her whip and somehow healed his wound with the gemstone on the end. An Akuma wouldn't have that power, of course, and he doubted any ally of Hawkmoth's would jump at the chance to get rid of Ladybug while her charming knight wasn't conscious.

   Still, he inwardly huffed, he'd rather be alone with Ladybug.

   Whoever she was.


   Marinette sighed as she flipped through her sketchbook. Tikki happily munched away on a couple of sugar cookies her dad had left out on the counter. She was expecting an interrogation any minute now about where the cookies were, but with no loss of appetite, he would be left to ponder who was sneaking into the bakery and only taking around four cookies at a time.

   She stopped at one of her latest sketches. It was a normal sundress; she had plenty of those, being the designer she was. But unlike all the rest, there were kitty prints all around the hem.

   She flipped through all her designs from the past week. Paw prints. They were everywhere. Green and black covered most of the outfits. Marinette's face suddenly heated up. How had this been going on without her noticing?

   Why was Chat affecting her daily civilian life? This wasn't how it was supposed to be.

"Mari, you okay?"

Marinette jolted back to reality. She worriedly glanced around to make sure Tikki was hidden. She was.

   Bridgette walked into the room, pressing the back of her hand to Marinette's forehead. "You're a little warm. Do you feel sick?"

   Marinette shook her head. "No. I'm fine. Thanks for checking on me, Bri."

Bridgette smiled. "If you're sure. But I'm keeping a firm eye on you. Dad is too, so you better hide those cookies away in your stomach." she pointed to the pieces of cookie that Tikki hadn't finished yet. Marinette's throat went dry. "You're not gonna tell, are you?"

   "Who, me? 'Course not. I haven't forgotten that time you covered for me when I stole that whole batch of croissants for Alix's little dare."

   Marinette giggled. She remembered Alix's face when Bridgette brought out that whole box of croissants and slammed them right down in front of her on the lunch table at the cafe.

   "Oh, and I forgot to tell you a little tidbit of information I gathered today. Turns out that the Agreste brothers..."


   "Did I do okay, Sybyl?"

   "Yes, Elana, you did fine. Although you didn't find out what your superpower is yet, you've at least figured out your weapon on the first day. Many of my Chosen don't accomplish that."

   "Thanks, Sybyl. So, care to explain the whole whip thing?"

   They were in Elana's room. She'd just slipped in through the window, hoping that her parents had thought she'd been asleep. She spent about thirty minutes trying to peel the spandex/leather suit off before realizing that she had to say 'Sybyl, collar unclasped'.

   "Yeah, so...your weapon changes from Holder to Holder. The last Gray Wolf had a katana. the one before that had a chainsaw."

   At Elana's surprised face, Sybyl burst out laughing. "I'm kidding about the chainsaw. It was a metal fan." Sybyl stopped at Elana's confused face. "She was a Japanese kunoichi." (A/N which means female ninja.)

   "Anyway, all the weapons have one thing in common:  they utilize a transparent gemstone, like the one on the end of your whip. They all have powers related to balance: they can ensnare things infected with malevolent energy, but not cleanse them. It also responds to the Holder's greatest desires, but only when they're needed to save a life from any evil intent. You can't save someone from old age, or from a sickness. But Hawkmoth? Yeah, that counts as evil intent. You must've really wanted to save Chat. Not interfering with our own OTP, are we?" she wiggled her eyebrows playfully.

   Elana rolled her eyes. "I shouldn't have let you see my fanfiction account."

   "Well, what's done is done. Now, I'm ravenous. The other Kwamis have probably already been fed by now. Sybyl hungry. You have food. Give it here." she commanded Elana.

   "I totally forgot you haven't had anything since you came out of my choker." she got up from her bed. "What do Kwamis eat?"

   Sybyl laughed. "Well, depends on the Kwami. Chat's likes cheese, which stinks like B.O. Ladybug's likes sweets, especially anything that's round." she traced a round spot in the air with a little stubby arm. "She likes the shape. As for me?" she cleared her throat as if she were about to make a grand speech. "I like fish."

   Elana frowned. "Seriously?"

   "Yup. 'Specially tuna. Love me some tuna."

   "Nice. I'm gonna smell like tuna for the rest on my life." she sighed and rolled her eyes. "At least it's not sardines."

   Luckily, Elana liked eating tuna herself, so there were quite a few packets of packaged tuna in the cabinet. She snuck two packs into her room and cracked one open. Sybyl devoured half of it before Elana could even offer it to her.

   "Yum." she said, smacking her tiny lips. "Save the rest in something for tomorrow. Always make sure you have food on hand, in case Gray Wolf needs to make a sudden appearance."

Oh yeah, Elana thought, school. Joy to the freaking world.

Oh well. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad, now that she had something to look forward to.

Wolfish Grin- A Miraculous Ladybug FanficWhere stories live. Discover now