The lava.

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All of the crayons were looking online for something to do. When banana saw a dare that said "who can jump the pit of lava ". Of cores the crayons wanted to do it. So they could do something fun. So the next day all the crayons went to the pit of lava. The person asked are you here to jump the lava or the water. They said lava. The person said wow you think you can do that first. Why don't you do the water first the person said. The crayon said because we don't want to do water first. First Blue berry tried and almost made it. He missed it by 2 in. Luckily the lava put wasn't deep. And went to the ER. Next Don tried and missed by 1 1/2 in. He went with Blue berry after that. The person said you really should do the water first. The person also said have you ever jumped a pit of lava before. The crayons didn't care what the person said. Next all of them tried all but one missed. The winner was banana. The person said you should have done the water first. So you would now what it is like to jump a pit of some thing. And do you want me to call the ER. All of the crayons yelled yes. The end please read my other books and more crayon story's.

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