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not edited but everything i write isn't edited

H A Y L E E ☆

Ever since we arrived at the party, Skylyn has not left our side. Call me a bítch but she's acting like a clingy girlfriend. I'm not complaining, but I wish she would just go mingle and have fun. I mean, she is the one who wanted us to go. "I'm gonna get another drink," I say to Skylyn and Bailey. They both nod and Bailey continues to look at her phone. I wonder what she's doing on there. Her eyes have continuously been on her phone ever since she went to get punch earlier.

Trying to rush, I quickly squish into people and bump into numerous objects. What, I wanna get to Skylyn and Bailey. I need to stay with them and make sure they don't leave me. However, the effect of what I did had some consequences. Let me rephrase that. Had some blessings. As I walked to one of the drink stands inside Jason's house; which I must say is huge. I bumped into one more person. Yay to me! "Oh my god I'm sorry," I say turning my head towards the person. I was not able to see what he looked like because I just concentrated on getting my drink. When I finish pouring the flavored lemonade into my cup. My drink slips onto someone as I start to leave the stand. Haylee at parties is not a good thing. 

Once I grab the napkins behind me,  I not knowingly elbow someone; not having anytime to say sorry because I already have a problem. I give the napkin to the person I spilled the juice on. Remember when I said that this incident was a blessing rather than a mistake. This is the part where my bad luck turns into- well good luck I guess. As the napkins are being dabbed onto his shirt, (I can tell he's a boy because his torso is just-) I look up to him to say sorry once again. I've done too many things to him today, how can I not say sorry. 

Before I can say sorry, my eyes catch onto his. He has dark hair, dark eyes, and a beautiful body. He says sorry faster than I can say, well sorry. He has these broad shoulders that can definitely tell you he's a "jock!"

"It's not your fault," I laugh.

"I should be the one saying sorry," I emphasize the letter "I" and look directly at him. He smiles and say's its okay. 

Yea, sorry dude it's not my fault I'm a stupid idiot.

"Oh um, now's not probably a good time slip my number to your phone, so can I just," He says. At the end of the sentence he shows a texting motion, helping me realize I should give him my phone.

"Yeah, we'll just pretend I sneakily took it, but I really didn't because I'm not slick," He laughs as he writes his name onto my phone. 

He gives me back his phone, "Bratt?" I say reading my phone confused.

"Replace the a with an e," He smiles to me.

"Oh, duh"

"Sorry I'm really dumb," I say laughing at myself. 

"Nah, it's okay," He laughs along with me. "So, I never learned your name."

"Oh Haylee, nice to meet you," I say moving my arm forward. He rejects my hand shake and instead goes in for a hug. I hug him back; even though I'm still completely shook. (an; dont worry hun, we are all shook)

"Nice to meet you too, I'll see you around Haylee," He says, taking one glance at me. 

"Bye," I mumble to myself awkwardly while shaking my hand lowly.

I smile at myself. Wow, Haylee, the party just started and you already met a boy. Moving my feet, I walk towards the girls.

"Wow," Skylyn says with a smirk. I nudge her, my cheeks flushing a deep red color.

"Let's stop talking about my 'life life' and talk about yours," I say putting quotes in the air. (aka air quotes if u couldn't tell)

With this sentence Bailey starts smirking. "What do you mean?" Skylyn asks, obviously oblivious to what I just said.

"She's talking about Chase hun," Bailey says laughing at her reaction.

Skylyn starts blushing, copying my actions earlier.  "I-I don't know where he is,"

"And you guy-"

"Hey Skylyn!" A tall guy says walking up behind her. Skylyn rolls her eyes at this strange coincidence. Bailey and I giggle.

"Hey Chase," Skylyn turns towards Chase.

"Glad you made it!" Chase says excited.

"Uh girls," Chase says slightly nudging Skylyn a little so he can talk to us closer.

"Mind if I steal her for a moment?" Chase asks.

"Of course, you didn't have to ask us," I laugh.

"Uh yes," Bailey yells in a valley girl type of voice to me.

"Obviously, Skylyn is our child and we need to take care of her," 

"As you can tell, I'm much the better mom," Bailey says turning to Chase. Chase does one of those boy chuckles and begins to talk.

"Ugh, at least Skylyn's smart because of me," I say before Chase can respond.

"Like who says 'I'm much the better mom"? I say, completely ignoring the fact Skylyn is still there. I see her laugh silently in the corner of my eye.

Bailey and I start arguing and we're too busy arguing, we don't realize Chase and Sky already left. Wow, great moms!

S K Y L Y N  ❀

I'm currently running around with Chase and holding his hand like a little 8 year old. We're running around Javier's house. I think his name is Javier? I don't really remember. 

"Chase! What are you doing!" A brittle valley girl voice says when Chase and I bump into her.

"Sorr-" I say, stopping when Chase lets go of my hand.

"Uhm Chase who is this?" I see a little glance of weird colored hair. I walk forward intrigued.

"Jilliane?" I say noticing the perfect features I've seen a couple times.



song; all time low - dear maria, count me in

- torii 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2016 ⏰

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