Chapter 6

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The thought of the only girl I’ve ever loved and gave my all too cheated on me wasn’t registering quite clearly in my head. As I sat there in the cafeteria picking at my oatmeal on my tray Cooper’s friend the girl from last night came over sitting in front of me with a tray of breakfast and a pile of books.

       “Man, you are as dark as he says you are,” She started. “What?” I asked confused. “Nothing.” She replied. “Did someone send you?”

       She looked up at me as if I had figured her out. “No,” She answered shaking her head quickly. “I thought I’d just join you since I know your brother.” “What’s your name?” I asked. “Mya Drake.” She smiled extending her hand for a shake. I took it and as I did her thoughts came pouring into my head.

       One of her thoughts for example was; ‘They might be brothers but they look nothing alike.’

       “That’s because he looks like our mom and I look like our deceased dad.” I added. She stared at me in confusion then looked away with widened eyes. She had caught on to what I had said and began eating her cereal.

       I cleared my throat and got up. “Leaving so soon?” She asked. “Yeah I’ve got try-outs for the Witchcraft team.” I answered. A smile began to grow across her lips. “I’ll see you later.” I said and walked off dumping my tray. “Adam,” I heard her voice from behind me. I turned around to still see the smile that had grown and they parted saying; “Good luck.” It made me blush and I nodded my head and kept going.

       The gym was a huge dome sectioned off with different rooms for different activities. The only part that no one has ever seen was the Witchcraft arena. I walked inside to find a handful of Witches who had signed up warming up. I gasped at how vast and forest like the whole thing was.

       “Witches find sanctuary in dark places where it’s hard to navigate because they know it best like the lines in the palm of their hands.” The guy from the festival jogged into the arena with four other people. “Welcome to the official try-outs of Witch Academies Witchcraft team where only three will gain a spot.” As four of the other already members of the team stood alongside the Captain Cameron’s eyes held a smirk on his face staring at me. He was a part of the Witch craft team.

       “This game is all about casting spells and doing whatever it is to be the last team standing. This involves team work and one heck of a brain to memorize the spells used to attack and counter attack the other team’s moves. Now, how’s about we run two laps around the court and then we’d get everyone into groups of three.” Everyone took off around the court in a burst of speed and I followed in back.

       Suddenly, from the corner of my eye I saw a red ball heading towards me. I ducked quickly and saw that it was Cameron who had launched the attack. I growled under my breath and finished my lap.

       Upon doing so the captain Dylan came up to me and pointed at two guys over on the bleachers gasping for air. One was a bit heavy set; a ginger, and the other was a brunette. He wore glasses and his socks were all the way to his knees. “Who are they?” I asked Dylan. “Your team,” He answered hesitantly. “Look at it as a way to make new friends you come off as a loner.” He finished and jogged away. ‘I’m a loner.’ I thought.

       I frowned and made my way over to them. “I’m Kalan Wright.” The brunette started, he wore glasses. He started extending his hand for me to shake. I smiled forcefully and took his hand shaking it firmly. The other stood up and smiled. He could be a quarter backs defense in a football game. His pale face had brownish freckles and he smiled revealing pearly whites. “I’m Josh Lee.” He smiled. He shoved me playfully and I couldn’t help but smile. They seemed pretty cool.

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