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"Come on Hisui! Red or blue fish?" Happy bugged me for like the seventh time. He was sitting on my head while Keninchi and I walked. We had one flame left to collect, which I stored in my quote unquote, "soul gate", which is able to store important flames with me actually eating them. But the problem is I don't know how to get them out.

"Fine! Red fish, because they look like fire!" I spat. Happy groaned and slid off my head, messing up my hair.

"Noo! Blue fish is better!" He pouted, sitting on Keninchi's shoulder. I growled and punched a tree. The tree split in half, falling instantly. I stomped along, not waiting for the other two.

"Hisui? Are you alright?" A kind voice asked. I didn't reply. My head started to hurt, and my vision was starting to get blurry. "Hisu, we should take a break."

"No... I'm... going to... save Natsu..." I faced him, trying to stay upright. "If you're going to stop me, go home. I don't need anyone to hold me back." I growled. Keninchi looked hurt after I had said that.

"I'm just holding you back huh?" He muttered. I nodded. "The only reason why I followed you was because I want to protect you! I saw some things, and I want to make sure you're alright!!"

"Geeze, this would be a hell of a lot easier if you just left and never talked to me again!!" I let some of my fire graze his cheek, but out of anger, I cought his entire cheek on fire. He screamed, falling backwards and holding his cheek. I didn't mean to do that. I didn't mean...

"The hell Hisui??!" Keninchi glared at me. I took a few steps backwards before running off. He cought my arm, turning my face towards his. "Hisui, I understand you want to save Natsu. I'll go back to the guild. Only if I can tell you what I saw. I saw the future since I got my new power." (A/N: sorry if this makes no sense. I gave him future sight)

"What... what did you see?" I asked. He smiled a bit before laughing.

"You and me getting married about two years from now. We had such a nice wedding. Then it took me back a bit, two days before today. Is there something you're keeping from me?" He asked.

(A/N: okay, so, during that long ass time skip two chapters ago, I made two years pass, so now Hisui is 19. They've been dating for those two years, so they've done some... "things" just to let you know now.)

"No... why?"

"Well, I saw something very interesting. You wanna hear it now, or later?"

"Depends. Is it good or bad?"

"However you see it."

"Then tell me."

"O...kay... well, you and I are... well..."

"Come on! Spit it out!!!"

"You're pregnant with my child."


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