«Hope is an empty emotion
in this black hole we call life.»
In which two girls trying to find hope but can't since all the people they care about keeps dying
Sometimes there is an honor in revenge.
•Harry Potter Era.
•mainly will be starting from
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FOR ELIZABETH BLACK AND ALEXANDRA LIGHTWOOD life hasn't been easy to them, faith was cruel enough to steal everything they once had leaving each other to relay on. they lived in fear of losing one anther and for losing one anther they would lose their sanity.
They're different They had the look in their eyes that told you that they experienced pain sadness and grief swimming between the three famous emotions, If there is any human who don't want to show weakness Elizabeth and Alexandra were the best at it everyday they wore an Alike mask a blank stare a glare or a frown and if you were lucky enough to catch the small smile while they whisper quietly to each other frame it in your head that it's likely one of girls is the cause of it.
And If the mask wore off the tainted sadness and grief would show they could easily mirror each other they are two people in different body but they work the same one brain one heart and many other.
if one of them died the other will die inside they made a truce with death if it wanted to take one of them death have to take the other as well. Moments like these people need to hold into them tight but for both girls for a life like this they should always hold to each other tight, too tight.
Alexandra Lightwood is everything to Elizabeth, she's her safe haven, they grow closely together year by year month by month day by day second followed by second .
They were inseparable both girls loved it she is her rock her sister her other half Alexandra will be always grateful for Elizabeth and Elizabeth will always be grateful for Alexandra.
When Elizabeth grow old she will find Alexandra growing old beside her when Elizabeth lay in her death bed she will find Alexandra in her death bed beside her.
Elizabeth and Alexandra, Alexandra and Elizabeth. They made a code to live for and for the code they will "Always and forever" "I don't think I'm ready to lose you not now not then not ever"