I can now happily announce that I won the Gold medal plus a bouquet of roses at the champs last weekend and that Karaen won silver for her top performance. But that's not all.....today is the day my parents FINALLY get married.....again and I get to take part in the most awesome part in the whole ceremony....putting the veil on my mother and then putting the array of flowers in her hands. Finally she looks at me and before I know it I'm the bridesmaid and the flower girl!! Cool right!!! At last the minister asks the question and then I witness the most romantic of kisses in the whole world!!!
And that is a wicked moment.
Story of an Ice Skating Queen.
Humor17 year old Jinna McKendra is the daughter of multi -billionare Tony McKendra. However she's far from your friendly neighborhood rich girl: she's feisty and opinionated. So when her dad sends her to ice skating legend Kristal Stan she hates it...