The backstory

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You where a lost child in the woods you walked around the woods for weeks on end but then a couple found you and they take you in but there was something off about this couple when you wondered around the woods near the park you seen couples that where filled with love and happiness but this couple you could see the hate and madness in them but when they seen you they just acted happy and sad about you but now that you see them more and more you see the happy start to fade and the mad/abuse come out.You started to stay in the room they gave you and when you did something wrong they would try to be all"it was a accident don't worry sweetie"but you knew they were mad at you for it but they just did this because you were little but you fear of what will happen when your bigger.You where scared if they were going to hurt you and lock you up with no food or water you were scared so you stayed up in your room to stay safe from them but when they came to your door they knocked softly you knew that was going to change to a bag and yell,soft talk to yells,happy to mad,little cute you to a big hurt you.

They decided to send you to school where you can have friends and not be at the house all day,but you where scared of going because you didn't know eny body there and the fact your eyes were a E/C color.
Night came quick and as you lay asleep in your bed you had a strange dream.
You were hiding behind a tree watching what looked like a ninetailed fox with wings fight something that looked like a naked person but this thing had big long sharp claws as you look at this thing you notice that the fox had the same color fur as you it had F/C and the tip of its tails had 2F/C on the ends.The fox turns to you and yells"RUN Y/N"you turn around and run as fast as your legs can and as your running you trip over a tree root and you fall and roll down a little hill and you lay there as your hurt left front paw stings.

You wake in a puddle of sweat and you realize it was a dream you lay back down and you get a knock at the door and you hear your fake mother say"come eat you breakfast sweetie"you hear her walk off and you get up and put on your favorite clothes you walk out and see breakfast on the table you sit and got done eating and your fake mother took you to school as you were in 1st grade you where a smart child you knew you were smarter then the other kids.but then as the end of school came you where going to where your fake mother said too and as you were walking you get pushed and a group of girls look at you with what looked to be mad, look at them and it was just 3 girls they speak up and say there names(girl on left)"I'm Beth"(girl on right)"I'm Bethany"(girl in middle)I'm Britney"you look at them with a wth look Britney looks at you and punches you in the nose and you hold your nose.Britney speaks up and says"come on girls lets leave this freak to her crying corner"you get up and see your fake mother pull up and you dash faster then other kids to the car your fake mother doesn't speak and drives you soon as you get home you run in the house and go to the bathroom to look at your nose there was blood all over your nose and you touch your nose and it wasn't broken you clean your face and go down stairs to get a yell from your fake father"YOU NEED TO GET STRONG YOU FREAK"you turn around and go up stairs to your room and ended up crying yourself to sleep having a dream about seeing your mother agin but you knew it would never happen.

(Fellow hello my wolfies and I hope you enjoyed this chapter of my new book and as always hit that vote button in the face LIKE A BOSS and I will see you in the next chapter bye bye😄)

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