New friend

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(Hey guys the picture above is not mine it belongs to SpirtFlame0w0,she is writing a awesome fanfic story called
Animal Whisperer (Creepypasta X !child!Reader) go check it out it's really good😄)

You woke up with a jolt you looked around the cave,and sighed another nightmare you woke covered in blood so you jumped into the waterfall,you smelt something strange,you sniffed the air,and you smelt.....a dead body smell,you followed the smell and you came to a another cave,you looked around it and seen a pile of dead body's,you felt eyes on you,so you turned around and there stud a man like craters but it had fur around it's neck and stitchs on it's head and mouth,you tilted your head to the side and it did the same,your stomach growled and the creature walked in the cave,you looked at it and it tilted its head for you to come in,and you did so it picked up one of the body's and put it in front of you and it picked another up and started eating,you could sence the man infront of you had a heart and so,you clawed open his chest and you cracked open his ribs and you grab the heart with your mouth and the creature looked at you,you looked at it and and an arm hanging from its mouth,you took your claw and pointed to your mouth but showing he hand something hanging from his mouth,he noticed and ate the arm,and then you ate the heart,he spoke in a deep voice,

Creature-what is your name
You-my name is Y/N,what's yours
SeedEater-my name is seedeater
You-I like your name

After awhile you two talked about each other and became best friends,soon you needed to got to your cave and you both said your goodbyes and you were stuffed of eating so much that you fell fast asleep on your cave floor but,you had a dream and,you turned into (pic above)but with F/C fur and 2F/C fire.....

(Hope you enjoyed I know it's sort but I'm sleepy and so see you all later bye bye)

!Winged-Ninetailed!Reader X Creepypasta Where stories live. Discover now