thirty one // on the urge to feel alive

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"Hey Parker."

"Hey Mina."

"Sorry... sorry about last night. That was weird, I know. I get kind of bitchy when I'm tired."

"You're an insomniac, then?"

"I'm trying to be nice. Why do you always make it so hard?"

"It's how I get the ladies. That, and creepily staring at them from across the room with absolute conviction. Also donuts. But mostly the first thing."

"Calling in the middle of the night when everyone's sleeping to remind them you're a nuisance, that's your M.O. then? I'd rethink your strategy."

"It's working for you, isn't it? You called me first."

"Actually though, I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Sorry for waking you up. I probably should have waited 'til morning. Patience isn't really my thing. But, uh, is it true?"

"That you're the worst?"

"No- wait, yes, technically, but also that your boyfriend's cheating on you. Is he actually?"

"No. Yes. I don't know, probably? I'm pretty sure he is. It's... complicated."

"I've never heard the phrase. Please, do go on."

"It's gonna sound really dumb."

"Come on, do you really think I'd judge you?"

"Absolutely. That's why I said it."

"I won't, I promise, c'mon Mina. You can trust me."

"Okay. All right. I know it sounds dumb, but I really feel like he's cheating on me. It's the little things, honestly.  At first it was kind of cool how mysterious he was, I guess. Which sounds pretty lame, but it worked for him. He had that whole cool older guy thing."

"Of course, I know all about that kind of thing, obviously. I'm a hit at the playground. Wait. No. Not in that way. Shit. Just continue. I'll stop talking."

"It was cool to get all this attention from an older guy and I agreed to go out with him but it's almost been a year and I feel like I know the same amount about him that I did at the beginning. I probably know more about you than my boyfriend."

"What are you talking about? I'm an enigma, Mina. An enigma."

"Do you want me to tell you or not?"

"Shutting up now."

"But he's on his phone constantly. Seriously. And you know, I've never even been to his house? He won't let me come over. Something about a strict household? Super vague about everything. And you know that whole can't hang out on Fridays thing. I'm not dumb, you know."

"Of course."

"But it's like every time I bring it up to him, he turns it on me. I'm being crazy, delusional, whatever, and it just- it sounds so weak, but I just crack so easily. I don't know. It sounds stupid, doesn't it? That I'm still with him. Even though he's such an asshole and everyone keeps telling me he's such an asshole. I'm so stupid. God."

"Mina, hey, listen to me."


"I would never think you're stupid."

"... Thanks. Really. I- that means a lot to me. Thanks, Parker."

"I really think you should talk to him, though. It's clearly bothering you that much. You even yelled at me, precious Parker, because it was bothering you so much. And it had nothing to do with my actions at all. It's totally your boyfriend's fault."

"Yes, of course. What was it- your charm, apparently?"

"That would be it. But seriously. I don't want to revisit any genitalia in container type sentiments, but if you're not happy, then it's not worth it."

"I know. I should, right? Confront him? He's just... he's so good at turning it around. It's a lame excuse but, I don't know. It's hard."

"Well, I'll be with you."

"You will?"

"In spirit, at least. Come on. Where's the girl who's threatened to murder me multiple times? Show him that girl and rip his balls off. I mean, have an adult conversation with him. Same thing."

"Yeah. Yeah I will. I'm going to. Tomorrow, I'm going to confront him."

"What if he is, though? Cheating, I mean. What are you going to do?"

"Break up with him, I guess."

"Are you going to be okay?"

"This is gonna sound weird but... I feel like I should care more, but I don't. It's such a shitty thing to do, to cheat on a person. I trusted him, you know? I made that commitment. I barely give any other guys the time of day. Well, except for you. But you're... different."

"I'm honoured."

"I think on one level, I'm pissed at him for having the audacity to cheat on me because that's such a rude thing to do, but... on an emotional level, I think I'm going to be okay. I just don't care enough. He's been so distant lately, and I've just been so over it that, well, I don't care."

"Have you been listening to a lot of Beyonce?"

"It feels so wrong to say, but I think in this case, there might've been someone else that helped a little more. I think I just got shivers. Gross."

"Marie's monologues about his big bag of hairy dicks personality?"

"Sure, Parker. I'm gonna go though, put on my big girl underwear and whatever. I'll talk to you later."

"You go girl! You show him! You got this! He's not messing with no average bitch, boy!"

"And Parker?"


"Thanks. Really. I mean it. This... it means a lot."

"Stop, this is so gonna go to my head. I'm hanging up the phone before it does. Oh no! It's happening! I'm perfect! I'm so goddamn perfect!"






also "short" story what a lie look at this bahahaha

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