thirty three // she's got her jaws now

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"I fucking hate your answering machine, I want you to know that. I hate that stupid 'Hi- oh wait, you missed me! Haha got you!' thing. It gets me every time, like I should know better by now but I don't. It's like a suckerpunch to my stomach every goddamn time. It's stupid and you're being stupid and you should just pick up the goddamn phone because I swear if I have to listen to your stupid answering machine one more time I am going to find you and I am going murder you. I thought we were over this whole ghosting on each other thing. We already went through this before, and you know, it pissed me off then but it's pissing me off more now. I thought we were... nevermind. Just answer your fucking phone, Parker. I think... I think I know why you're not answering, but just talk to me. I don't get it, but I think I know why at least. Just... don't ignore me. Say something. I thought I- I thought we meant more to you than this." 


when everyone's excited for the next chap for grand explanations and ur a dick and post this instead muahahaha

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