Derpy meh is back to Writing!!!!

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YAYYYYYY!!!!!!! I just got a new phone yesterday that is even better than my last one, so updates are almost back to normal. I guess I need to catch all you guys up on what's been going on with me. I've went to the same school district all my life. Same people, same friends, same people who try and make every day a living hell. Ya know, same old thing everyday. But this year, I transfered to an even smaller school district. I basically got a restart button on life. I wasn't the most... liked kid in my other school, but here?! It's like paradise. I've gotten to do more things than I've ever been able to do. I'm in Theatre Arts and I'm auditioning for 2 plays. I'm also a band geek and it's awesome! I play the drums, since I legitimately could not play the trumpet. Like, I tried it out, but I physically couldn't play it. It's like my body slapped my hopes and dreams and screamed "No" But I'm not even getting to the best part yet. Have you ever met someone who was like the genderbender of yourself, but bettter? Well, I've just found mine. And Ya know what I did as soon as I found him? I started dating him! His name is Jacob, but me being a complete derp and cause we both love Pokemon, I call him Ash. We've been dating for a month as of today. He has dark brown hair swept to the left across his forehead, the palest skin you've ever seen, a very dirty mind. But his eyes... Oh my gosh. There not quite a sparkly blue, but they're also not a dazzling green. Everytime he looks at me, I just stare, awkwardly smile, and blush, sometimes getting nosebleeds. Don't judge meh! He's hot and adorable AND loves Mark and Jack as much as I do. That's quite a catch for me! But that's all I've got for you. So, prepare yourself for even more nosebleeds, tears, and, I don't know how but... Even.Worse. Cringeworthy. Moments!!!!!
*gasps as the fangirll flip their shite* And I will see you... the next time I'm not lazy enough to not write stories about OTP cause they are goals, so peace out bros!!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

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