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~Jack's POV~

             I wrapped Mark's wrists and thighs in bandages, softly kissing his wrists and thighs over and over until he smiled at me softly. He cupped my face and rubbed his thumbs over my cheeks (*cough*which one's t(-.-t) fite me in the comments nerds) and slowly leaned in, brushing my lips softly with his perfect pink ones. I leaned closer, closing the distance between us. Our lips moved in sync as his hands slipped from my cheeks to the back of my neck.

      I pulled away and rested my forehead on his and smiled. My cheeks were blushing a soft red and he chuckles slightly at my embarrassment. " Hey Jack... you're bwushing and it's cooote~" I just smirked and rolled my eyes. "Hey Mark.. guess what?" His eyes were clouded with confusion. "What?" I stood up and began to sing loudly. "Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you very very muuch! Cause we hate what you do and we hate your whole crew, so please don't stay in toouch!" Mark just stared then started lauhing. I guess laughing is contagious because soon we were both on the ground gasping for air... "Mark.. we need some MILK..." He just rolled his eyes. "What is up with you and memes?!" "No. Mark we're literally out of milk... and what's thAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!?!" Mark just smiled. "Damn I love you."

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