The One Where Tom Comes to Town

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Evie's pov

It was now Friday and Chandler hadn't spoken to me since I called Tom. It was really boring with out him making his jokes about everything. Now when I come into the room he leaves or makes an excuse that work called him in. Everyone notices but doesn't say a word.

I looked at the time and was supposed to be at the coffee shop around 2:30 it was 2:15 now so left and went down sitting on the couch waiting.

I was so nervous I didn't notice someone sit down next to me. It was Phoebe.

"Oh hey Pheebs." I said in relief.

"Hey Evie. You look sick are you ok?" She asked.

"Ya I'm meeting Tom here." I said making a point for her to leave.

"Oh that's why Chandler won't leave his room. He's been there for two days moping around. He complained all yesterday that-" she stopped herself.

"That.. he had no food for the dog. Oh no look at the time." She got up and left. I was confused.

"Chandler doesn't have a dog!" I yelled turning around and then saw Tom standing there.

"Oh, Tom your here early." I looked at my watch and say he was 2 minutes early. He smiled.

"If I was late you would suspect something Evelyn." He said taking a seat next to me.

"Thanks for coming." I said.

"Evelyn I came here because you wanted to talk. But as I was coming over I realized something. I was cheating on you for about two years and you didn't notice. What kind of girlfriend does that make you?" He asked. Whoa brutal.

"Ok I see we are jumping right into this." I say rubbing my face.

"First off Tom you cheated on me not the other way around. And second what happened to you two days ago you sounded crushed and now you look like as nothing even happened." I spat back. His demeanor changed.

"I'm sorry Evelyn it's just I haven't had much time to think since you called. I honestly feel awful." He said. He looked like he was going to cry.

"Tom.. no I'm sorry your right what kind of girlfriend doesn't even notice. Is that why you did it because I never payed attention to you?" I asked. I felt so guilty.

"Yes, I thought you were over me so I felt I had no choice."

"Talk to me about it then Tom. I feel awful knowing I pushed you too it." I said putting my hand over his. He smiled up at me.

"Hey Eve I'll be right back in gonna go to the restroom." He got up and left. He left his suit case and jacket. I was tempted to look through and see what I could find. I took a peak through his jacket and saw nothing valuable. I hugged and leaned back. Maybe he has changed.

I sat there for at least 10 minutes and decided to see what was taking so long. So I got up and turned walking towards the bathroom when I saw Tom... and some other girl kissing.

My mouth dropped in shock and horror.

"You son of a bitch! I tried to fix our relationship and thought it was my fault! My fault! No once a cheater always a cheater Tom! Don't let the door hit you in the way out and I hope your plane crashes on the way back to hell!" I lost my temper and stormed out the coffee shop crying. I didn't want to go home where I would be asked questions so I just walked.

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