The One with all the Sex

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Evie's pov

Chandler and I were down at the all-you-can-eat buffet piling on more food then we could eat. After the AMAZING sex we had- did I mention it was Amazing?

We worked up an appetite and we're sitting in a corner booth next to each other.

"What if we just stayed in Hawaii?" Chandler said. I chuckled.

"You wouldn't have a job and we can't stay in a hotel forever." I said. Stuffing my mouth with bacon. I saw Joey coming this way with two big plates of food.

"Here comes Godzilla," Chandler said and Joey glared and him and sat in front of us.

"So... did you guys do it?" He asked. I blushed and laughed. Chandler just put more food in his mouth.

"So you did... nice..." I looked at him weird.

"Gross Joey really, I'm trying to eat all the bacon I can." I said to him throwing the piece at him. He laughed.

"You guys are so awkward when it comes to sex it's hilarious. I could literally yell the word and you two would probably runaway." He said laughing loudly. Challenge accepted Joey, challenge accepted.

"I would not I bet you 20 bucks I can yell sex louder than you can." I said to Joey.

"Um Evie I don't-" Chandler started.

"Sex." Joey said.

"Sex." I said louder.

"Sex!" Some people stared at him weird.

"Sex!" I yelled and every one in the room looked over at us. Then Rachel and Ross came in the room.

"We were on a break!" Ross said following Rachel.

"We were not! You can't just have sex with other people Ross!" She yelled at him. I looked at Chandler.

"Sex... who knew it could cause so much trouble." Chandler said sarcastically.

"I won Joey, hand over the money" I said to him. He grumbled and handed me the cash. Rachel and Ross sat down with us on opposite sides.

"So trouble in paradise?" Chandler asked. I elbowed him in the stomach.

"Ross apparently can't keep his hands to himself." Rachel said.

"We were on a break!" Ross said. I looked at Chandler who glanced at me.

"So anyway what did you two do last night." Rachel asked. I blushed.

"They did it." Joey answered for us.

"Come on dude really."

"Why don't you just tell all of Hawaii." Chandler said. Then Monica came in chatting with Phoebe. The whole gangs here now.

"Guys!" Monica said cheerfully.

"What's up Mon?" Ross asked.

"I had sex last night." She said. I put my bagel down.

"Did everyone have sex last night?!" I yelled out. All of them pretty much nodded.

"You all need Jesus." I said pointing at them. Chandler chuckled.

"So what's on the list for today?" Monica asked.

"We are going to the beach and then tonight there is some formal dinner and then that's it." Ross said.

"Wait wait wait." I said. He looked at me confused.

"Since when was there a formal dinner?" I asked.

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