The One With The Goodbyes

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Evie's pov

"You ready babe?" Chandler asked as I finished packing.

"Ya" I said. Our time in Hawaii has come to a close. It has been one hell of a vacation. The best vacation. This time all of us bought a plane ticket instead of a boat. Ross tried to take the cheaper route at first but we all shut him down immediately.

Once we boarded the plane we took our seats and mine happily was next to Chandlers.

"So I've been thinking-" Chandler started.

"Don't hurt yourself." I said to him and he gave me a unamused look. I chuckled at my own joke.

"Anyway, I'm thinking that maybe... you'd want to move in with me?" Chandler said. I looked at him shocked. That's not what I expected him to say.

"M-move in with you?" I asked for conformation. He nodded. We had only been dating for a couple months now, wouldn't it be to soon? But we love each other and I don't think I'd ever love anyone else like him.

"Yes." I said to him. My list of pros and cons were thrown out the window by my mouth which had already answered. He smiles widely and gave me a quick kiss. I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder drifting to sleep.

When we arrived at the platform. I grabbed my things and we all headed back to the apartment. I smiled once I got back to my own bed. I saw Chandler poke his head around the corner.

"Moving time?" He asked. I chuckled and nodded.

"Ya.. moving time." I said. Even though we were exhausted I packed up all of my things and discreetly made my way to Chandlers room with all my things.

"This is amazing. Imagine waking up next to you everyday." Chandler said. I laughed.

"Yes waking up next to me is such a treat." I said sarcastically. He lightly smacked my shoulder and just decided to cuddle on his bed for the rest of the day.

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