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Ahh, what a nice beautiful day.
I thought to myself.
I have nothing better to do, so might as well go exploring in the woods. I know I'm forbidden to, but it's so amazing outside! I can't be locked up in my room forever!
I walk over sticks an duck under branches. I'm 6'1, which is really tall for gnomes, and apparently humans too. Humans.
"Humans." I say aloud, thinking of the word. I've always wanted to meet a human, but my mother is overprotective, she'd keep saying no. I decided I wanted to sneak out in the evening, my father, I didn't have one, but my mother was taking care her friend's kids for 7 hours. Might as well take advantage of that. I do have a little brother, Greg. He went with my mom, since he is young enough to always laugh at everything. He has a frog that keeps him company too, Jason Funderburker. How? Why? I have no idea, he's crazy after all, but that's just my family.
I am Wirt. Dumb name, I know. I have friends that don't judge me for who I am, even if they're gnomes, they count. I am the gnome prince. 4 feet taller than my mom, 2 feet shorter than my dad. I love poetry, and I made a friend Beatrice(I can't remember names right now tbh). She is a bird, but that's fine. She entertains me by singing, telling stories, making fun of me, listening to my problems. She had a good side, but she could also be a jackass.
Now, back to my day.
I was walking until I saw a tree stump, getting a good view of a lake next to it. I sat down on the stump, admiring my surroundings. I get out a piece of paper, some ink, and a pencil (one that's used for ink).
I began to write.
It was a cold dark day, here in Gravity Falls
The wind blows through my hair
Leaves me with this... Feeling of memories past
My anxiety started clouding my mind a bit.
I'm no good at poetry
That is a reference
I get up from the stump, walking deeper into the woods. It was getting a bit darker out side, so I sat down next to a tree.
I rested my head against the tree, listening to the birds, wind in the trees, a boy crying.... Wait... What!?
I get up quickly, looking at my surroundings. I hear a few sniffs to my left, so I charge that way as quietly as I can. I peek from behind some trees, seeing a boy around 14 or 15. He he was wearing a blue and white hat with a pine tree printed on the front, he wore a plain red shirt, navy blue jacket, gray shorts, and blue shoes.
He was actually looked adorable...
No! Stop it Wirt! You don't even know him, and why is he crying!?
I mentally slap myself, squinting to look at the boy. He sat on a stump, facing the opposite direction from Wirt. Wirt didn't know what to do, but he got up, and walked around some trees to get a better look at the human.

3rd POV

Wirt snapped a twig, causing the boy to shoot his head up immediately, looking in the direction of the sound. He looked very wary and was in high alert.
Wirt just froze, not wanting to be seen. The boy looked around in other places frantically, Wirt took that for advantage. He ran away, quickly and quietly, or so he thought. The boy jumped up at the noise running away from him, but he didn't move, he just looks down at his hands, face unreadable from his hat. Wirt stopped, looking back to see if the boy had followed him, only to find that the boy didn't move, he just sat there twiddling his thumbs.
Wirt was a little confused, but shook it off. After 5 minutes of the boy just sitting there, he looks up in Wirt's general direction. Wirt freezes in place.
The boy stands up, squinting into the dark woods. The boy starts walking to where Wirt is. Wirt panics.
He does the only thing he knows what to do, he runs away. Fast.
He jumped over sticks and random holes in the ground, ducked under branches, and never looked back.
After a while of running, he stopped. He was panting really hard, trying to catch his breath.
He looks behind him. No boy, no human.
Wirt is a little puzzled, but not just because the human didn't attack him, but because he wanted to see the boy again. He still had a whole till his mom got back, surprisingly. So he went back, but found no trace of the boy. After a little bit of exploring, he hears a snap, and not exactly the sound of a twig, but of a bone. Wirt looked to his right, then peeked behind a tree again. There was the boy, cursing and holding his arm. He just punched a tree, and man, did that leave a mark on both of them. The boy fell to his knees, still holding his arm, and started crying again. Wirt saw the boy's hand was weirdly shapened, then figured out the boy broke his hand by punching a tree, hard.
Wirt felt bad for the kid. He wanted to help, but was hesitant. He didn't know what to do, until the boy cried.
"Hello? I know someone's watching me. Can you go away please. Unless you're here to kill me, I'll be fine with that too."
That took Wirt by surprise.
Geez. What has this kid been through?
Wirt wanted to step in, but the boy got up, and walked the opposite direction of where he came from.
Wirt followed, but raced ahead. He stopped, and peeked to the side of another tree. The boy had his head hung down, not paying attention to his surroundings. Wirt wanted to help him, but was scared. He didn't know what a human was like, so he could only hope for the best.
He took a step from the tree, pretending to be minding his own business, until he collided with the boy. The boy fell with a grunt, as Writ stood, towering over him.
The boy rubbed his head, looking up. What he saw shocked him.
The boy scrambled away from Wirt, but Wirt took steps closer each time the boy scooted back. Fear and confusion were shown in his beautiful chocolate brown- wait... NOT AGAIN!!??
Wirt wanted to smack himself, but knew he would look like an idiot.
He reached out his hand to help the boy up, as he did so, the boy covered his face with his arms ducking down. Wirt was a little confused at this boy's actions, but stays in his position till the boy peeks through his arms. Now he just looked confused. The boy unwrapped himself from his arms, lifting his head a bit. He looked at the hand for a while, then glancing at Wirt. Wirt stays still, and smiles.
The boy looks very cautious, confused, and a little embarrassed. How cute.
The boy warily took my hand, hesitating to put a grip on it. As soon as he did, I lifted him up with ease.
My gosh, how much does this kid weigh?  And he's so small!
The boy stands back, looking up and down at Wirt. Nothing is said, just silence. He is probably about 5'5, comparing him to me.
"Who are you, and why did you help me? Are you a gnome? Do you work for them? Why do you look like a gnome when you're so tall? Why-"
Wirt cut him off by putting a finger to his lips, hushing him.
Wirt gulped, now knowing this kid doesn't like gnomes. But he really wants to be trusted. Oh boy.
"I am Wirt. The gnome prince. My grandma was very short, so she married a gnome. She had my mom, who was also very short. She was half gnome, half human. My dad was just plain human, very very tall. Those two fell in love, and me and my little brother were born. So I am half gnome and half human, same for my brother. My gnomes work for me, and since you don't seem to like gnomes, could you give me an explanation, and tell me why your hand is broken." I stated simply. The boy looked tired and confused, but nodded, understanding what I had said.
"Well, the gnomes tried to take away my sister so the prince could marry her and then become queen, then they tried to kill us a bunch of times, so yeah. Jackass. I punched a tree cause I was pissed."
Wirt was a little offended by the name calling, but focused more on the kidnapping his gnomes had done and the boy with an injured hand.
Wirt groaned, then sighed.
"Look, I'm sorry the trouble my gnomes have caused you, I will punish them for that. Especially for not asking for my permission."
The boy doesn't seem to trust me a whole lot, but shrugs it off.
"Hey, um, can you tell me a little about yourself? And can I help your hand heal?"
Yeah, good goin, real smooth.
The boy looked at me funny, but sighed.
"My name is Dipper Pines. I am 15, and I don't trust easily."
I nod and chuckle. He looks a little pleased.
"Well, Dipper. I'll be seeing you around I guess?"
Dipper thought for a moment.
"Yeah, I'll try."
So I patched up his hand by giving some of my healing power into the wound, fixing the bones. It healed the bruises and cuts along his hand. I wrapped his hand in a bandage, letting his now warm hand go. He was so small compared to me!
He stared in disbelief.
"Uh-um... Thanks. See you around."
He turned and left, thinking about what he just witnessed, and so did the gnome prince.

Heyyooo! I would just like to say thanx for reading! Hope you enjoyed it! There will be many more chapters! So look out! PEACE✌

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